Learning Tech Help and Support

December 23, 2022, by Helen Whitehead

Help available from Learning Technology: Advent Calendar #23

Here are some sources of help to staff (and some for students)

  • The Moodle Help website (on Workspace) is comprehensive and searchable
  • Try one of our training courses: Training Schedule
  • There are also a number of Faculty resources including ArtsSocial SciencesEngineeringFMHSScience
  • Get support from a live person: there are regular live drop-ins in A09 Coates (for Engineering) and in E06 Monica Partridge Building (for other Faculties) as well as the new MHS Hub.
  • Raise a call with Pav, our cheerful HelpDesk lead. We pride ourselves on responding the same day (or next day at latest).
  • Pop into our Teams drop-in. Drop us a message on Teams Chat and we’ll call you if you prefer. FMHS, Social Sciences, Arts and Science 9 – 4.30 daily Click here to join the Drop-in Team site  and  Engineering 1-3 pm daily
  • And all Learning Technology Consultants and Officers are happy to help anyone who gets in touch.

Check System Status in case your issue is a wider/known issue – for example:

Always keep an eye on the banner on Moodle: this will give information on for example, any maintenance planned (this is generally minimal, and carefully planned with consultation to try to avoid crucial times in any of our campuses!).

UoN Learning Technology Advent Calendar #23

  1. Advent Calendar #1: Welcome!
  2. Advent Calendar #2: Habits of Accessible People
  3. Advent Calendar #3: How to get an archive of your Twitter data – and close your account
  4. Advent Calendar #4: Timed Moodle Forum posts
  5. Advent Calendar #5: An academic’s guide to Echo360 Engage in Moodle
  6. Advent Calendar #6: Easily transferring your Teams recordings into Echo360 Engage
  7. Advent Calendar #7: Timed document release in Moodle
  8. Advent Calendar #8: The MHS Faculty Digital Learning Hub 
  9. Advent Calendar #9: Quiz review options in Moodle
  10. Advent Calendar #10: Viewfinder magazine – moving image and sound in education
  11. Advent Calendar #11: Student Engagement Cards resource
  12. Advent Calendar #12: Three keyboard shortcuts to quickly make documents more accessible in Word.
  13. Advent Calendar #13: A pile of Advent ‘gifts’
  14. Advent Calendar #14: Join our team! 
  15. Advent Calendar #15: Universal Design for Learning
  16. Advent Calendar #16: How to use Xerte 360° image viewer
  17. Advent Calendar #17: Speed up your Turnitin marking with pre-populated or custom QuickMark sets
  18. Advent Calendar #18: Creating MS Teams breakout rooms in advance
  19. Advent Calendar #19: Reflection Prompts Toolkit
  20. Advent Calendar #20: Webinars relating to digital learning
  21. Advent Calendar #21: This post was written by a robot… 
  22. Advent Calendar #22: Christmas Quiz
Posted in Advent CalendarBlended learningCourses & trainingEventsLearning technology