Opening screen of video Creating links to recorded videos using Echo360 Engage in Moodle

December 5, 2022, by Helen Whitehead

An academic’s guide to Echo360 Engage in Moodle: Advent Calendar #5

I’ve had a lot of queries about the easiest and quickest way to use Echo360 Engage videos in Moodle. So I got together with David Achtzehn, a lecturer in the Business School, and we got to grips with the most straighforward way to include videos in your Moodle module. It’s possible once set up to record videos that appear in your students’ list without any further intervention – or you can choose to do more.

In this video, “Creating links to recorded videos using Echo360 Engage in Moodle”, we discuss:

  • How to create a link to all Echo360 videos for a module.
  • How to connect yourself to a module in Echo360 so you can record to a module.
  • How to link to a single video in Echo360 from a Moodle module.
  • How to add a video from your Echo360 library to a particular module.

UoN Learning Technologies Advent Calendar #5

  1. Advent Calendar #1: Welcome!
  2. Advent Calendar #2: Habits of Accessible People
  3. Advent Calendar #3: How to get an archive of your Twitter data – and close your account
  4. Advent Calendar #4: Timed Moodle Forum posts
Posted in Advent CalendarBlended learningEcho 360 EngageLearning technologyMS TeamsOnline learningVideo