Anonymous forums in Moodle

We are occasionally asked about how staff can set up anonymous forums in Moodle. At the time of writing there is no official anonymous forum in Moodle. Moodle is designed to be, like the lecture theatre or seminar room, a safe learning space where students feel comfortable speaking in a community of learners. There are …

Advent Calendar #22: A Xerte Toolkits-based game to play at Christmas

As we get closer to Christmas, here’s a game you can play with friends and family, or even students, both in your living room or over Zoom or Teams if you can’t get together in person. And it also proves that as well as H5P there are even more clever things you can do with …

Advent Calendar #10: Groupings in Moodle

Getting together is traditional at this time of year, and getting together in groups is also used a lot in learning activities. Groups can be so useful in Moodle. They can be used for group activities such as: Assignments submitted one per group (e.g. presentation) Working together in a group e.g., in a forum or …

A Summer of Moodle #10: Encouraging students to collaborate using Wikis and Databases

You may want your students to work together as a whole class or in groups of whatever size is appropriate. If so, Moodle has several activities to make this happen.  By using collaboration tools such as the Wiki and Database you can set up group work exercises in the same way as you might in a …