Blind double marking with Turnitin

Although much requested as a feature, as yet neither Moodle nor Turnitin goes very far technically in enabling double marking, second marking, moderation, or sampling, and certainly not blind double marking. In most cases, an external document such as a spreadsheet, or two spreadsheets, are still the best way to manage double marking. The two …

Word games and learning – make your own Wordle!

So have you caught the Wordle bug yet?  I have. And of course there’s a group of colleagues sharing our scores… It’s taught me a few things that I hope to apply to my digital learning design, particularly perhaps for revision and key learning points: Make it a small activity: Wordle takes a few minutes …

How students can download and keep assignment feedback

We regularly get requests from students to access feedback on coursework from previous years.  Reasons can include needing evidence to write an application for a further degree, or having secured a job where you have a use for the information. The University recommends that students download your feedback as soon as you get it, and …

Word counts and Turnitin

We are often asked about Turnitin Word counts. Turnitin states that they use a word counting algorithm very similar to that of Microsoft Word but not identical. Some of the main differences include: Turnitin does not count the words in footnotes and end-notes. Turnitin does not count words in text boxes, So, if your whole …

Advent calendar #14: Monitoring student engagement in Moodle

Santa is rumoured to be able to keep track on what we’re all doing so he knows whether we deserve our presents. If he knew about it, he’d be delighted with the possibilities for tracking activity in Moodle. Today we are going to talk about tips and tricks to monitor student activity in Moodle. You …

Advent calendar #5: Avoiding plagiarism this essay season

“Tis the season to be jolly” for some students but for others it’s the season for taking exams – or submitting coursework. Plagiarism is when a learner takes someone else’s work and tries to pass it off as their own. It might seem like a gift at first, as it might seem easier and quicker …

Advent calendar #3: Have you thought about using Moodle Quiz?

Moodle quiz can help you engage students with different kinds of formative quiz questions. The Learning Technology team have guides to help you set up quizzes and we are also running some new training sessions.   Read on … What? There are many different question types to choose from including basic true/false, multiple choice, multiple selection, …

Double marking in Turnitin Assignments in Moodle, using Feedback Studio

A requirement often mentioned to the Learning Technology Consultants is for two or more markers to work on a student submission. This often includes blind double marking – where not only does the marker not see the student’s name but each marker does not see the other’s marks or feedback until finalised. Neither Moodle nor …

A Summer of Moodle #12: Engaging students with Moodle Quizzes

The Quiz activity in Moodle allows you to design and set quizzes consisting of a large variety of question types, including multiple-choice, true / false, and short answer questions. Moodle questions that you create are kept in the course question bank and can be re-used within courses and between courses. Quizzes can allow multiple attempts. Each attempt …

A Summer of Moodle #8: Peers assessing each other using Moodle Workshop

The Workshop activity is an unsung power feature available in Moodle. It is a peer assessment / peer review tool that enables students to review each other’s work. Editing Teachers can set up criteria that the students follow on how to provide feedback, for example comments or rubrics. Teachers can also provide a mark of …