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Helen Whitehead

Helen Whitehead

Learning Technology Consultant, Nottingham: University Park

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Posts by Helen Whitehead

Advent calendar #5: Avoiding plagiarism this essay season

“Tis the season to be jolly” for some students but for others it’s the season for taking exams – or submitting coursework. Plagiarism is when a learner takes someone else’s work and tries to pass it off as their own. It might seem like a gift at first, as it might seem easier and quicker …

Advent calendar #4: Ways to poll your students

Polls and simple quizzes can be used during synchronous sessions (face to face or online) and also asynchronously to support learning by: identifying gaps in learners’ understanding, providing a simple way of actively engaging students in their learning, a minimal form of feedback, stimulate conversation, establish a baseline understanding or opinion that you can then …

Advent calendar #3: Have you thought about using Moodle Quiz?

Moodle quiz can help you engage students with different kinds of formative quiz questions. The Learning Technology team have guides to help you set up quizzes and we are also running some new training sessions.   Read on … What? There are many different question types to choose from including basic true/false, multiple choice, multiple selection, …

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Advent calendar #2: How to make a Stream video available to students

So you’ve made a recording  of yourself wishing your students a seasonal greeting. How best to share it with the students? When staff make recordings of Teams meetings and learning sessions, the recording ends up in Stream. Here’s why leaving them in Stream isn’t usually the best way to make these available to students. Normally, …

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Advent Calendar #1: A festive use for H5P

In our most recent Moodle upgrade we installed H5P. This is an alternative to Xerte Toolkits for creating small interactive items within the Moodle page. You can create, edit and re-use interactive content (e.g. multiple choice quizzes or virtual tours). These can be added as graded activities on your Moodle module or non-graded embedded elements …

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Support with creating accessible materials

We have been made aware of a couple of external training sessions that could help in terms of meeting digital accessibility requirements. Open Educational Resources (OER) can extend the nature and type of resources available to teachers, researchers and students. This month’s free Future Teacher webinar is at 1 pm tomorrow, Friday 26th November 2021. …

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How can I ensure content in my Moodle modules and Microsoft Documents is accessible?

To ensure content in your Moodle modules and Microsoft Documents is accessible to all, you can use accessibility checkers.  What do accessibility checkers do? Accessibility checkers check automatically for some common errors in the text. These usually relate to the way the text is constructed. They can prevent all users from having equal access to information and functionality. Accessibility …

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Sustainability: an online activity with a waste audit

A few years ago during our MOOC “Sustainability, Society and You” and the internal University NOOC version, “Perspectives on Sustainability”, one of the exercises devised by Professor Sarah Speight was a Waste Audit.  At a time when, thanks to COP26, sustainability issues are particularly topical, I was inspired to revisit this activity. During lockdown I …

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Tip of the Day. Ways to contact students (as an alternative to Moodle emails)

As you might imagine there has been a huge increase in the use of Moodle over the past couple of years. This sometimes shows up areas we need to improve. As of October 2021, we have seen issues with sending out emails from Moodle Announcements and Forums (incident details are reported here on the status …

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Moodle quick wins #1: Collapsed topics

The Collapsed Topics format is an easy way to avoid the “Scroll of Death” on your Moodle page. The topics look tidy, clear, and easy to navigate. Accessibility is much improved because it’s easier for screen readers to find a section without having to read out all section contents. As a format for a Moodle …

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