Easily transferring your Teams recordings into Echo360 Engage: Advent Calendar #6

Following on from yesterday’s post about Echo360 Engage, today Terry Willmer, Echo360 guru, tells us how to make your Teams recordings available to your students through Echo360 Engage. Terry shows how to easily copy recordings from a Teams folder to your personal OneDrive, and how to upload videos from your Recordings folder (or any other …

An academic’s guide to Echo360 Engage in Moodle: Advent Calendar #5

I’ve had a lot of queries about the easiest and quickest way to use Echo360 Engage videos in Moodle. So I got together with David Achtzehn, a lecturer in the Business School, and we got to grips with the most straighforward way to include videos in your Moodle module. It’s possible once set up to …

Timed Moodle Forum posts: Advent Calendar #4

Did you know that there’s a feature in Moodle forums that allows you to set a time that a post will be released? This is really handy for limited-time semi-synchronous discussions, or for scheduling Announcements at a particular time and/or date later on, so that you don’t have to log into Moodle at that particular …

How to get an archive of your Twitter data – and close your account: Advent Calendar #3

A sad thing to have to post – but I know a lot of people are thinking about moving off Twitter.  Here are some of the things you need to know. Get an archive of your Twitter data Go to twitter.com and login. At the bottom left click More Go to Settings and Support > …

Advent calendar #1: Welcome!

Welcome to our 2022 Advent Calendar! Over the next 24 days we’ll be offering tips, tricks and even a few little gifts you can paste directly into your course and use… This year we are using Xerte Toolkits for our calendar. There are lots of ways you can use Xerte for interactive features, and in …

Training and drop-in sessions including online marking and face-to-face drop-in

Learn something new, or come for a refresher – we’ve got lots of training courses on offer this autumn. They’re aimed to provide you with the support you need at the right time of year. As assessment season hots up (unlike the real season…) there’s new training in marking online. These have been organised with …

Rebranding of Rogō to be called ExamSys

The university is rebranding its online e-assessment and examination system, currently called Rogō. It will become known as ExamSys. This will happen on Wednesday 9 November 2022, between 1pm and 4pm, UK time. There may be a small amount of downtime during this period.  The system will be upgraded to the latest version 7.5 – …

How staff can prepare for ExamSys assessments for the new academic year

ExamSys is the University’s online assessment system, written within the University, for both informal formative self-assessment quizzes and formal online summative exams. It is used for assessment when a quiz-type format is appropriate. In ExamSys, there are 15 question types. Reports on student performance can be accessed and exported, enabling staff to assess the value …

Top ten tips for staff before you make your module visible to students

There’s a lot to do at the start of session. So here are the top ten things to do with your Moodle module before the students get access: Can you see, in Moodle, the module you’re teaching? The 22-23 modules are all ready and waiting, visible to staff but possibly not yet to students. If …

Main new features of Moodle 3.11

The Moodle Upgrade to Moodle 3.11 has now been completed. Moodle looks and operates essentially the same as before: there are no major changes. There are a few new features: Student activity completion Instead of tick boxes, there are now clear labels to indicate to students what they need “To do” and when completed. You …