December 16, 2021, by Helen Whitehead

Advent Calendar #16: Where to get help and what to do when something goes wrong

Today in the Advent Calendar we’re hoping to give you peace of mind. What do you do when it all starts to go wrong? When you can’t make the technology do the thing you want it to, or can’t even find a technology that will do what you’d like? When you don’t know if it’s just you or if there’s a more general problem. Here are some tips from Learning Technology colleagues, and some general advice.

Find out more

Anne RockcliffeWe recommend: check System Status in case it’s a wider/known issue – for example:

If there is maintenance planned (which is rare and carefully planned to avoid crucial times in any of our campuses!) then there’ll be a message on the Moodle banner (so keep an eye on it) and/or the login page for Moodle, especially if it’s planned maintenance. Downtime is usually minimal, an hour or two except on our annual upgrades when it will be a few hours.

Paul BryantGet help with what you’re doing

  • The Moodle Help website (on Workspace) is comprehensive and searchable
  • Try one of our training courses: Training Schedule
  • There are also a number of Faculty resources including Arts, Social Sciences, Engineering, FMHS, Science
  • Get support from a live person: the live drop-ins in Coates and Monica Partridge Buildings are currently suspended but will be back as soon as we can.
  • Raise a call with Pav, our cheerful HelpDesk lead. We pride ourselves on responding the same day (or next day at latest).
  • Pop into our Teams drop-in. Drop us a message on Teams Chat and we’ll call you if you prefer. FMHS, Social Sciences, Arts and Science 9 – 4.30 daily Click here to join the Drop-in Team site  (ore on this tomorrow!) and  Engineering 1-3 pm daily
  • And all Learning Technology Consultants and Officers are happy to help anyone who gets in touch.

Advent  Calendar 2021


Posted in Advent CalendarLearning designLearning technologyMoodleMS Teams