Using the HoloLens and Augmented Reality (AR) with Xerte to Create Escape Rooms

(Reading time – under 4 minutes) Learning Technology has recently had the pleasure of speaking at the Escape Room Showcase hosted by Heriot-Watt University. Our presentation was about an escape room we created that combined the open-source software Xerte with the augmented reality benefits of a HoloLens. Following the presentation, we were asked what advice …

New Features Coming Soon in Xerte

As we continue with our countdown to Christmas, we thank Fay Cross, our Multimedia Content Developer for authoring today’s post 🎅✨ Fay provides us with a sneak peek into Xerte, unwrapping new features coming in the New Year🎄🌟 Xerte will be upgraded to v3.12 early in the new year (date to be confirmed). Here’s a …

Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty Takeover: Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Escape Rooms

Expanding Horizons: Opportunities for Teaching and Learning with HoloLens 2 Throughout the 2023-4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the LT blog, a Faculty Takeover month! Each month (excluding December), we will feature posts from a different faculty at the University. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to …

Five minutes with… Fay Cross

What is your job role? Multimedia Content Developer – mainly supporting the use of Xerte at the university (support, training and developing new features to meet the needs to Xerte users at the university). What 3 words describe you? Approachable, Creative, Skilled (contributed by editor) Tell us something ‘unusual’ about yourself Before I stumbled into …

New resource: Digital Learning Frequently Asked Questions for staff

I’ve been asking around my colleagues in Learning Technology in order to find out the questions that have been most repeatedly asked over the years. We’ve then created a Digital Learning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Staff resource to help members of staff to find the answers quickly.  Perhaps one of our top questions at …

Advent calendar #1: Welcome!

Welcome to our 2022 Advent Calendar! Over the next 24 days we’ll be offering tips, tricks and even a few little gifts you can paste directly into your course and use… This year we are using Xerte Toolkits for our calendar. There are lots of ways you can use Xerte for interactive features, and in …

Starting out with Xerte Online Toolkits: new URL

Xerte Online Toolkits is an Open Source content creation tool that allows non-technical users such as academic staff to quickly and easily build rich, interactive and engaging online learning resources. It has high levels of accessibility already built in. If we can describe Microsoft PowerPoint as a specialist program for creating presentations to deliver live …