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A Summer of Moodle #9: Adding a Reading List to your module

A classic way to guide students to relevant material to support their studies is to use a reading list. If the reading list is online it can help students go straight to the relevant item. The University of Nottingham uses the Talis Aspire software to manage reading lists.  Talis Aspire is a separate system, but …

A Summer of Moodle #8: Peers assessing each other using Moodle Workshop

The Workshop activity is an unsung power feature available in Moodle. It is a peer assessment / peer review tool that enables students to review each other’s work. Editing Teachers can set up criteria that the students follow on how to provide feedback, for example comments or rubrics. Teachers can also provide a mark of …

A Summer of Moodle #7: Building branching scenarios in Moodle

Did you know you can build branching scenarios on Moodle? Using the Lesson Activity, you can build interactive branching activities in which you can present students with a scenario, the ability to make choices, and the consequences of their decisions. Before you start building your branching scenario in Moodle, here are some things you should …

A Summer of Moodle #6: Linking Moodle and Teams

At present there isn’t a way of directly integrating one Moodle with three tenancies of MS Teams (one per international campus). Here are ways in which you can link Moodle and Teams to provide as seamless an experience as possible for your students. Put a link to your Team within the Moodle page along with …