Author Post Archive
Laura Nicholson

Laura Nicholson

Learning Technology Officer,

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Posts by Laura Nicholson

Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty Takeover: 3D anatomical models

Throughout the 2023-4 Academic Year we are running a new feature on the LT blog, a Faculty Takeover month! Each month (excluding December) we will feature posts from a different faculty at the University. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

Moodle Assignments: Frequently Asked Questions

This week, we’ve chosen to cover a quick selection of frequently asked questions regarding Moodle assignments. This represents just a glimpse of the diverse range of inquiries we receive, covering topics from initial setup to more technical aspects such as configuring groups and groupings. If you require assistance with any of the topics discussed, or …

Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty Takeover: Ten Top Tips for Moodle

Throughout the 2023-4 Academic Year we are running a new feature on the LT blog, a Faculty Takeover month! Each month (excluding December) we will feature posts from a different faculty at the University. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

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Podcasts for Teaching and Learning

Who can resist the charm of a captivating podcast? Podcasts offer a convenient and accessible method of self-paced learning, enabling students to engage with the content at their leisure, revisiting it whenever they wish.  Admittedly, the primary obstacle revolves around time constraints, as it can take time to locate or create the perfect podcast to meet the intended learning objectives but don’t be …

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Five minutes with… Alvaro Roberts

We asked Alvaro Roberts: What is your job role? Senior Learning Technology Consultant What 3 words describe you? Thoughtful, Inquisitive, Reflective Tell us something ‘unusual’ about yourself Not sure if it is unusual, but I enjoy scuba diving, when I have the opportunity to do so. What excites you about learning technology? I think it’s when I …

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Author: Claire Storr You might be asking, what is Mahara?  If you are, Mahara is the University’s ePortfolio platform and can be accessed via To login, use your University of Nottingham username and password. There is no need to request an account. It will create one for you when you log in for the …

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Accessible video for teaching

Many thanks and credit to Dr. Chris Ward (Digital Accessibility Consultant), Nicholas Cameron (Learning Technology Officer) and the Learning Technology Team for the blog guidance. The recording platform Use Echo360 (Engage) where possible for teaching content because this platform offers all the features and capabilities for lecture recording and includes a high level of technical …

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Student Drop-in Sessions for Moodle

Drop-ins are taking place for students to learn more about using Moodle, the university’s online learning environment. The Libraries’ Learning Technology team will be available to share top tips, answer any Moodle questions and direct to further resources and support. How to join Students can drop in at any of the locations between 11am and 2pm: …

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Preparing Moodle for the start of term

With the start of term fast approaching it’s time to get Moodle ready for new and existing students. Here are some helpful tips and reminders to support you to get prepped for the new term. First impressions! Contact details and other information Use the first topic (the one that cannot be deleted/moved) to add the …

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Accessible Word Documents

Many thanks and credit to Dr. Chris Ward (Digital Accessibility Consultant) and the Learning Technology Team for the blog guidance Accessible documents ensure everyone, including people with disabilities, can access and understand the content. This promotes inclusivity and equal access to information for all. Some helpful tips to create accessible Word documents are included below …

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