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December 5, 2023, by Laura Nicholson

The University of Nottingham’s FutureLearn partnership

In today’s festive advent surprise, Dr. Sarah Stubbings our Online Learning Manager,  shares the opportunities awaiting you on FutureLearn! 🎄🌟

What is FutureLearn?

The University of Nottingham has been a FutureLearn partner since 2013. FutureLearn is an online short course provider based in the UK, that partners with leading universities and cultural institutions in a range of different countries. Our FutureLearn courses give learners from across the world the opportunity to engage with UoN teaching and research, free of charge. Social, peer-to-peer learning is a key part of the FutureLearn course experience, and the courses combine a mix of videos, articles, discussions, and quizzes. All the courses are available at no cost (registration on FutureLearn is required to access the courses) with the option to pay for an upgrade which allows students to obtain a certificate on completion of the course, and ongoing access to the course.

Our FutureLearn courses

We currently have seventeen University of Nottingham courses running on the FutureLearn platform. The courses cover a broad range of different topics including dementia care, propaganda and ideology, poultry health, image analysis methods, and training healthcare professionals. The fact that the courses have a global reach and are available free of charge means that they align with the University’s strategic priorities of globalisation and civic engagement. Our transition courses also support the strategic priority to enhance our transition support.

Some of the courses were developed to disseminate research findings, some have a vocational focus, while others support students in the transition from school or college to university study.

Our FutureLearn courses have won or been shortlisted for numerous national awards, including Learning on Screen and The Times Higher Education awards. Internally, two team have won Lord Dearing awards for their FutureLearn courses.

Are you interested in developing a FutureLearn course?

Creating a FutureLearn course gives you the opportunity to enhance and develop your pedagogy, try out new approaches, and gain feedback from learners. If you carry out research as part of your role, a FutureLearn course offers a way to disseminate your research to a large audience, including people who wouldn’t usually come into contact with it. A number of PhD candidates have created FutureLearn courses, and it is a great way to prepare PhD students for academia as it helps to develop their skills and they obtain experience of course creation.

We are always interested in receiving new FutureLearn course proposals. If you are thinking about putting in a course proposal, or just want to find out more about the courses and what is required to build a FutureLearn course, contact Sarah Stubbings on s.stubbings@nottingham.ac.uk.

Posted in Advent CalendarWeb-based resources