October 16, 2023, by Laura Nicholson

Five minutes with… Alvaro Roberts

We asked Alvaro Roberts: What is your job role?

Senior Learning Technology Consultant

What 3 words describe you?

Thoughtful, Inquisitive, Reflective

Tell us something ‘unusual’ about yourself

Not sure if it is unusual, but I enjoy scuba diving, when I have the opportunity to do so.

What excites you about learning technology?

I think it’s when I have spoken to someone who wishes to improve the learning experience, and there is a technology that enables them to do this. I love supporting the process, from workflow to answering queries to seeing how it can be improved next time.

Do you have any top tips for our users?

If you have any questions related to learning/educational technology please do ask us. You can contact us via the self-service webpage or via learning-technologies@nottingham.ac.uk. Each faculty also has a Learning Technology Officer and Consultant.

What do you think will be the most important thing in learning technology at the University of Nottingham this next year?

Along with the introduction of Brickfield Accessibility+ Toolkit in Moodle I think SensusAccess will be important in improving the learning experience. I hope the ability to obtain alternative formats of materials will be beneficial for students and staff.

What have you learned recently?

Someone recently showed me about the laser pointer functionality that can be used in MS Teams. I will be using this the next time I want to emphasise something within my PowerPoint slides when presenting on an MS Teams call.

More in this series

Posted in Five minutes with...Learning technology