// Latest Posts

Staff and Student Drop-in Support Sessions

This is just a quick reminder about our staff and student drop-in support sessions. Student drop-in sessions have been scheduled throughout January. Feel free to visit for advice and guidance on Moodle, Examsys, or for any other technology-related questions you may have. Student drop-ins: Pop by for any of the drop-in sessions below. We will …

Arts Faculty Takeover: Student Projects in The Digital Transformations Hub – Part Two

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

Marking and Feedback in Turnitin

At this time of year, you are likely preparing to mark assessed work submitted over the winter break, or releasing marking that has been completed during this period. Below we outline some of the ways you can mark work and provide feedback using Turnitin. Accessing and marking a Turnitin submission Marking a Turnitin submission involves opening …

Arts Faculty Takeover: Student Projects in The Digital Transformations Hub – Part One

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from within …

Getting to Know Moodle 4.1

As you will now be aware, we successfully upgraded Moodle to version 4.1 in December 2023. In this post you can find out more about the new version of Moodle, the improvements and new features as well as some links to other posts on specific tools introduced in 4.1. Enhanced layout The redesigned course module …

The Moodle Dashboard

Many thanks for today’s guest post, written by Suzanne Wright, the Faculty and School Support Team Leader.  The eagerly awaited Moodle 4.1 gives us a new and updated dashboard when you log in to Moodle.  The interface is much cleaner and has more white space so it looks much more uncluttered than perhaps the current …

Peer Assessment in Moodle 4.1

As part of the 2023 upgrade to Moodle 4.1, a new activity will be introduced which allows academics to run peer assessment tasks in their Moodle module. The new activity is called Peer Assessment. The Peer Assessment activity is essentially a group assignment submission combined with peer grading, allowing students to assess each other for …

Moodle 4.1 is here!

The feedback from our staff Moodle roadshows and student drop-ins has been overwhelmingly positive! So, we are pleased to announce that Moodle has now been upgraded to version 4.1. If you missed our training events, or you want a quick reminder of what to expect, please see an overview of the key improvements below. Enhanced …

Unlocking the potential of the Moodle Board activity

The introduction of the Moodle Board activity in the 4.1 upgrade brings new possibilities for student interaction. Columns are set up on the board, creating an organised framework where students can contribute using virtual post-it notes. The Board activity serves as a platform for both synchronous and asynchronous activities with a user-friendly interface that is …

Students: How to Upload Turnitin and Moodle Assignments

Uploading Assignments Despite the upgrade to Moodle 4.1, the process for submitting a Moodle or Turnitin assignment remains unchanged. There are some slight changes to the iconography, so we have created this guidance just to ensure you are familiar with the submission process. Moodle Assignments The icon for Moodle assignments has changed from     …