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Engineering Faculty Takeover: AI in Teaching and Learning

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from within …

Strategies to Identify Misinformation: Videos

Of the three online information sources discussed over the past few weeks, video tends to be the most difficult to authenticate. With video creation tools becoming more detailed and complex, so too do fake videos, which become easier to make and harder for us to detect. The usual strategies of employing a critical mindset when …

Engineering Faculty Takeover: Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing Technologies

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

Strategies to Identify Misinformation: Images

We continue with our theme of misinformation online, with this week’s focus being on fake images. Fake images are not new; indeed, the first example dates right back to the 1840’s, a mere 148 years before Photoshop arrived on the scene (Britannica 2023). Images can be manipulated in various ways, such as mirroring, splicing, resampling, …

Engineering Faculty Takeover: Engineering Virtual Reality Space

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from within …

Strategies to Identify Misinformation: Websites

The amount of data on the internet unsurprisingly continues to increase, and by 2025, it is estimated that globally we will have generated just over 180 zettabytes of data (with 1 zettabyte being approximately equal to one billion terabytes) (Statista, 2024). That’s an impressive amount of content which provides us with the ability to explore …

Arts Faculty Takeover: Arts Reimagined

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

Navigating the Landscape of Fake News

Earlier this week, I came across a great video of a firework display, except it was created out of drones instead. The video captured an elegant aerial performance of a Chinese dragon drone display, gracefully swirling and twirling in the sky over China. Wow, it was pretty mesmerising, but my awe soon turned to dismay …

Arts Faculty Takeover: The Language Learning Rollercoaster: Weekly Tests to the Rescue!

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

Be Prepared For Your Online Exam

As we head into another exam period, students will be gearing up to undertake exams on Moodle and ExamSys platforms. At this time of year it’s often useful to keep in mind some top tips which can help the process of undertaking an exam run more smoothly. Here are some some of the common questions …