Learning Technology at UoN: Enhancing Digital Pedagogy

Who are Learning Technology? At the University of Nottingham (UoN), all academic staff and staff based in professional services have a nominated Learning Technology Consultant (LTC) and Officer (LTO). We are fortunate to work alongside an outstanding wider team of professionals, but as UoN Learning Technology consultants, we take the lead in supporting staff in …

Running Peer Assessment Tasks in Moodle

As we head towards the start of the next semester, it is timely at this halfway point in the academic year to consider the ways in which Moodle can support the delivery of non-standard assessments (that is not your usual Moodle dropbox or Turnitin assignment). In this second post, we discuss one example, that of …

Group Choice Activity in Moodle

In late 2024, we introduced a new activity type to Moodle called Group Choice. This activity has many versatile applications within teaching and learning, but essentially at its core provides the ability for students to enrol themselves into a group or groups which have previously been set up on the module. Before introducing this activity, …

iTeach Online Podcast: Online Learning at the University of Nottingham

Welcome back! Now that term has begun and teaching is well underway, the iTeach Online Podcast is back with five more episodes to take you to the end of 2024. We are starting this run talking about teaching online, something that has become much more relevant to many people over the last few years. However, …

Making PDFs Accessible: Why and How?

(Reading time – 2 m 51s) As we prepare for our second Accessibility Conference (online and free to attend) on June 26th, 2024, I have decided to dedicate this month to writing a few blog posts focused on accessibility. It’s also timely for me, given that I’ve recently been co-developing training materials that highlight the …

Moodle Content and Layout Ideas – Part 2

In recent weeks the Faculty of Science have been undertaking work to review the layout and design of Moodle module sites in the faculty. This work has developed out of the move to Moodle 4.1 in December 2023 and feedback received from student reps in each school around the usability of Moodle sites. In part …

Moodle Content and Layout Ideas – Part 1

In recent weeks the Faculty of Science have been undertaking work to review the layout and design of Moodle module sites in the faculty. This work has developed out of the move to Moodle 4.1 in December 2023 and feedback received from student reps in each school around the usability of Moodle sites. The new …

Arts Faculty Takeover: Arts Reimagined

Throughout the 2023–4 academic year, we are running a new feature on the Learning Technology (LT) blog: a faculty takeover month! Each month, we will feature posts from different faculty members at the university. Every Friday, posts will highlight interesting work and ideas related to technology in teaching and learning and showcase unique projects from …

Faculty of Science Takeover: HTML Notebooks in Mathematics

Throughout the 2023-4 Academic Year we are running a new feature on the LT blog, a Faculty Takeover month! Each alternate month through the year we will feature posts from a different faculty at the University, with posts every Friday highlighting interesting work related to technology in teaching and learning and showcasing unique projects from …

Accessible PowerPoint Presentations

Accessible documents ensure everyone, including people with disabilities, can access and understand the content. This promotes inclusivity and equal access to information for all. Some helpful tips to create accessible PowerPoint presentations are included below, but you can find lots more detail on the Nottingham Accessibility Practices page (NAPS). The advice and guidance below is based …