Best Practices for Hybrid Teaching
March 10, 2025
When teaching in a hybrid environment, there are a number of options available in terms of approach and technologies you can utilise to deliver the best learning experience for your students. Hybrid teaching and learning has grown in prominence in recent years, particularly following the global pandemic as we started to move back to working …
Three achievable ways to make your teaching more inclusive
June 6, 2023
When developing learning in higher education institutions, we always try to make it relevant and effective, to ensure that all students have equal access to the learning. Inclusive teaching practices are crucial for making sure that every student feels valued and supported in their educational journey. In this blog post, we will discuss three ways …
Implementing UDL 3: Multiple means of Action & Expression
June 2, 2023
If you’ve read any of our previous blog posts on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) or encountered it somewhere else, then you’ll know there are three main principles of the UDL Framework, developed by CAST. Each UDL principle is designed to help academics and others involved in teaching to improve how we present information, engage …
Implementing UDL 2: Multiple means of Representation
May 25, 2023
If you’ve read any of our previous blog posts on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) or encountered it somewhere else, then you’ll know there are three main principles of the UDL Framework, developed by CAST. Each UDL principle is designed to help academics and others involved in teaching to improve how we present information, engage …
Turnitin (& Moodle) assignment submission: checklist for students
April 20, 2023
We are often contacted by students worried about why their submissions to assignment dropboxes are not succeeding. Here are some of the most important things to check. Your document: please check Your filename must be no longer than 40 characters (you may get an error message if your filename is too long: it will be …
Designing for Engagement in a Learning Community – course starts Wed 19 April
April 14, 2023
Time and again, we hear that students are not engaging with their learning. Being engaged benefits students in so many ways. It can make learning more enjoyable as well as boosting achievement. So what can we do to promote more engagement in our classes? The course “Designing for Engagement in a Learning Community” looks at …
Digital badges, safety online and other posts for students
April 12, 2023
Our blog has been running since 2010, and moved into this blog platform in 2020. We’ve had two Advent Calendars and a Summer of Moodle, and published posts hopefully of use to both students and staff. Some of the posts which may still be of interest to students (and of course some staff) include: How …
Take a NAP 8: Accessibility checkers
March 16, 2023
The final core habit of the eight we’re calling Nottingham Accessibility Practices — the NAPs – covers accessibility checkers. These can be an important tool in identifying issues or catching errors in your documents. Much like spell-checkers, accessibility checkers can be found in most text editors and are easy to use. Within Microsoft Office you …
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