Phishing emails target new students

New students are an easy target for phishing email scams. The BBC recently reported on a phishing scam that specifically targets new University students. The scam email looks like it is from a University’s finance department and prompts students to fill in a form online with their personal banking details in order to claim a grant. …

Student IT tutors in University Halls

Starting from Thursday 22nd September, trained Student IT support tutors (SITS) will have a presence in University halls of residence. You can ask any SITS tutor for help with getting online in halls, registration or any other IT query. SITS tutors will be available at the following dates and times in halls: SITS locations, 22 …

New look for UoN email log in page

On Wednesday 14 September when staff and students log into their University email via they will be directed to a new login page. The redesign, which features an image of the Trent Building on University Park, is  part our upgrade to Office 365 email services. You will still be able to log into your account with …

O365 Update – The Clutter folder

What is Clutter? Clutter is a tool within Office 365 that filters out your unimportant email and places it in a separate folder called ‘Clutter’. How does Clutter work? It can identify unimportant emails when they land in your Inbox based on which emails you usually read (and which you usually ignore or delete). It …

Don’t get hooked by Phishers

There has been a lot of press focus recently on online fraud and cyber security. Information Services spend a lot of time cleaning up after registered University users (staff and students) have responded to phishing emails and divulged their University username and password. Last week alone 12 UoN people responded to phishing emails. As Lucas …

Upgrade now to Outlook 2013

From Monday 18 April, UNUK staff and PG Researchers with a University issued PC or laptop (Windows machines) will be able to upgrade to Outlook 2013. This upgrade is the first step before Information Services will begin the process of migrating all UNUK staff and PG Researchers to Office 365 for calendaring and email. Upgrade …

Outlook 2013 for Staff and PG Researchers

Last month we announced that staff and PGR email will be moving to the Office 365 email platform starting in April. The first step on this journey is to upgrade our Outlook 2010 desktop application to Outlook 2013. This will only affect staff and PG researchers who have a university issued desktop PC or laptop. We will be …

The perfect student Smartphone?

Brick after brick after brick. I loved the simplicity of it. The rest of my technological life is so complex- what with a laptop and a gaming PC and games consoles- why would I add to that with a smartphone? It was only after around the 15th missed e-mail that I decided I should probably …

Headed for the cloud: Office 365 email for UNUK Staff

Starting in April, we will be making some important and exciting changes to the way that our University email and calendaring services are delivered. We’ve already been using the Microsoft Office 365 email service for students in the UK, UNNC and UNMC for a number of years and we’re now extending the service to University …

Global Wi-Fi access for all UoN students and staff

In February, eduroam will be the only Wi-Fi network for UoN students and staff. eduroam is more than just a Wi-Fi network, it’s a service that gives users seamless internet connection at a global network of institutions. So whether you’re moving between our UoN global campuses or visiting a friend (or colleague) at another (participating) university – you can access …