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Hello to PGRs from Kirstin and Lucie

By Kirstin Barnard and Lucie Whitfield, Senior Careers Advisers (Postgraduate Researchers) Whether you’re new to the university or progressing with your research, in this blog we want to highlight the support we can offer you during your time at Nottingham.  Alongside our colleagues, we can help you to develop your career ideas and plans, take …

Stop Thinking About What Career You Want. Think About What Career You Don’t Want!

By Emily Oxbury, MA History student blogger The dreaded question, “what do you want to do when you leave university?” usually leaves me replying with a nervous chuckle and the words “I’m not really sure”. But do I really have absolutely no idea like I so often say? I’ve learned to accept over the past …

Skills I’ve Learned in My Architecture Degree and How They Will Help Me in My Career

By Gabriela Florescu, architecture and built environment student blogger As the end of my undergraduate degree ends, I find that thinking back on the skills I have acquired to be the best way to identify my strengths and pick a career path for myself based on that. But each of us will leave the same …

Looking for a Creative Career?

By Leonie Farrar, religion, philosophy, and ethics student blogger Do you have a skill and interest in being creative? I know many people, including myself, love to be creative and would love to use this skill and passion in their future career. While looking into careers over the last few years, I’ve realised more creative …

I Don’t Have a Grad Job: What Now?

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger It can be daunting leaving university without a spot on a graduate scheme. However, it’s important to remember that having a grad scheme is not the be all and end all for leaving uni. Taking a break after university before you launch into a career can be very beneficial. …

Looking for Work Now You Have Graduated?

By Peter Kay, Senior Careers Adviser At the time of writing, May 2022, it is safe to say that there are a lot of jobs being advertised for graduates. What you have to do is become a skilled job hunter. To do that there are a few simple rules to follow and questions to ask …

The Change in Legal Services and What’s Needed When Applying to Law Firms

By Modupe Allen, second year law student What do the websites of Gunnercooke and Mishcon de Reya reveal to potential lawyers of the future about the change in legal services and what’s needed when applying to law firms? The above question was posed by Craig Sharpe from Axiom DWFM who recently came to Nottingham to …

My Virtual Internship Experience With Bright Network

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger   Something I’ve been told countless times on my career journey is the value of internships, placements and work experience. However, the uncertainty of the pandemic means finding and securing internships seems more daunting than ever. Luckily, the Bright Network offers a range of online internship experiences to help …

Spotlight On Publishing – What I Learnt

By Anna McConachie, English student blogger Publishing is a growing industry. Last year UK consumer book sales climbed 7% to £2.1bn according to a BBC News article. If you’re an English or humanities student like me, I’m sure you’ve considered it as a career. Here’s what I learnt from a recent publishing event hosted by …

Still Waiting for Your Career ‘Lightbulb Moment’?

By Jo Workman, Senior Careers Adviser Are you waiting for a flash of inspiration, or a ‘Eureka!’ moment when the perfect career idea appears in front of you?   You might be hoping that as you go through your course it will all become clear what you want to do. You’ll have your lightbulb moment and …