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Where’s the time gone? I’m graduating this summer

Catherine Sibley, Careers Adviser, Careers and Employability Service It seems like many of your friends are sorted with what to do next and have plans to start a job or maybe go travelling.  Is this really true?  It’s what psychologists call ‘inattentional blindness’ in that you’re focussing on those friends when the vast majority of …

What could I do on a gap year after university, and why should I take one?

By Josephine Ruffles, student blogger © Pixabay by user 7523944 A gap year has a preconceived notion that people who go on them have no set career plans. However, if you plan properly and decide what you want to achieve from this period off, it can be incredibly productive and useful for your future career. …

Thinking of taking a gap year after university?

Zoe Waite, Liberal Arts. Often there is a taboo regarding taking a year out after university. The choice to take a year out is sometimes associated with someone’s initial career plans not working out, and a gap year was a plan B. Though disruptions to career plans are a completely valid reason to take a …