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NHS Graduate Scientist Training Programme

By Lucy Rayner-Thomas, chemistry student. I became especially interested in the NHS Scientist Training Programme as I have always been interested in healthcare science and thought it would be amazing to be trained as a clinical scientist and earn a masters in clinical science in the process. One thing that surprised me was how many …

A first-timer’s guide to international conferences

Nkem Nwaobi, PhD student Embarking on my first conference was a journey filled with excitement, nervousness and countless opportunities for growth. This past summer I attended the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) conference in Italy, it was eye-opening and frankly quite scary. In this blog I will share my guide to your first …

Why should you attend the Bright Network Festival?

By Lucy Rayner-Thomas, Chemistry student Like many people, I do not know what I want to do after I graduate and during the summer holidays I started to think about what I could do to explore my career options and to see what opportunities were available to me. As a start, I decided to attend …

How to approach a careers fair when you have anxiety

By Rania Monasch, BA Geography Student It’s that time of the year when you’re thinking about jobs and future careers. So, what better time to attend a careers fair? You want to attend a careers fair to find out more about your options but there’s a slight problem: you struggle with anxiety. It might be …

Talk to industry professionals at the careers fairs

Maisie Southon, Marketing and Communications Officer Three questions that university students are frequently asked: 1. What are your plans after you finish university? 2. Where are you going to apply after completing your studies?  3. Have you chosen a career path? Don’t panic, you don’t have to know exactly where you’re going to do. You’re …