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What can you gain from attending events and lectures held by guest speakers?

By Josephine Ruffles, Politics and American Studies student Since being at university I have attended 10 extra lectures and seminars hosted by external figures. I have been fortunate to meet influential figures, multiple visiting professors with an abundance of knowledge, and connect and network with multiple alumni in areas ranging from local government to the …

Navigating the Careers and Employability Service

By Hemakshi Soni, BA Sociology and Social Policy Navigating the Careers and Employability Service can feel overwhelming with the large variety of support services to boost your career confidence. I have simplified key information to help current students make the most of the resources and highlighted some examples of current events, placements and graduate schemes. …

How to handle multiple job offers

Katie Ray, Careers Adviser in the Careers and Employability Service Secured multiple job offers? Congratulations! It’s not a bad place to be… but the weight of making the right decision can feel heavy. This blog will explore ways to help you navigate your way to a decision.  Evaluate your priorities: Before you can make any sort …

Building my careers confidence through a one-to-one appointment

Rania Monasch, BA Geography student – © Bruce Mars via Unsplash Job applications can be challenging but you don’t have to face it alone. Seeking support from a careers adviser might be just what you need to build your career confidence, read below to discover what a one-to-one appointment entails.  The Careers and Employability Service …

Creating career habits for success in 2024

By Eve Yellop, medicine A100 – image from Pixabay By February, many of us have already abandoned our New Year’s Resolutions. Whether it’s committing to run marathons or waking up at 5 am, these goals often fall by the wayside. Instead of setting yourself up for disappointment, why not channel your resolutions into something both …

Career Confidence and Self-Confidence: Understanding the Difference and Embracing both for Success

By Alana Parker, Employability Officer As the Careers team, we want to empower you with the tools and guidance to confidently embark on your career journey after university. Two crucial aspects of this journey are self-confidence and career confidence. Understanding career confidence Career confidence goes beyond feeling positive about your career prospects; it involves feeling …

Your guide to gaining valuable medical work experience

By Eve Yellop, A100 medicine student. One of the most important parts of your Medical School application is work experience. This is your chance to show that you have the commitment and drive to work in a real healthcare field.  However, there’s no guidebook for this and it can be overwhelming trying to find it. …

I’m a Master’s Graduate, Where Do I Go From Here?

By Katie Ray, Careers Adviser So, you’re about to complete your postgraduate study – congratulations! As exciting as this next chapter should be, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, unsure of the future, and confused about what steps to take next.   Rest assured; all those feelings are very normal. If you’re feeling stuck and …

I’m a Postgraduate Student and Worried About Getting a Job

By Anna Glaze-Krayer, Employability Officer The University of Nottingham’s most recent graduate outcomes data (collected from students who graduated in 2020) provides plenty of reasons for postgraduate students to be optimistic. Surveyed 15 months after graduation, 86.6% of those with postgraduate qualifications were in what’s classed as ‘highly skilled’ work, or further higher education. Furthermore, …

One Way Ticket to Toronto

By Ryan Stanley, Spanish and Contemporary Chinese Studies graduate Like most students, university was a great time to travel and explore what the world has to offer. But after doing my year abroad, I became more attached to the idea of getting to know a country by living there, rather than trying to check it …