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The Advantage Award and enhancing my career prospects

By Hemaskshi Soni, sociology and social policy student Before I share my experience of the Nottingham Advantage Award (NAA) here is a quick summary of the employability scheme. Through the Award, you can gain formal recognition for your involvement in extracurricular activities and enhance your personal and professional development. What does the Advantage Award involve? …

To academia or not to academia?

By Chloe O’Dowd, philosophy PhD student. Image by Nikolay Georgiev from Pixabay As a third-year PhD student, life post-degree is looming closer. This means that I have to start thinking about whether I would like a career in academia and what I would need to do in order to be successful. In this blog, I talk about what …

Creating career habits for success in 2024

By Eve Yellop, medicine A100 – image from Pixabay By February, many of us have already abandoned our New Year’s Resolutions. Whether it’s committing to run marathons or waking up at 5 am, these goals often fall by the wayside. Instead of setting yourself up for disappointment, why not channel your resolutions into something both …

Working part-time alongside a degree: tips and advice

by Zoe Waite, liberal arts student Balancing full-time study, new adult responsibilities and a social life is already a mammoth task never mind adding a part-time job into the mix. From hospitality to online tutoring, students are taking on a huge range of roles to support themselves as the cost of living crisis continues.  In …

How Volunteering at University Led Me to an Unexpected Career

By Amaia Robertson Nogues, American Studies and English student I first started volunteering at UoN’s Digital Transformations Hub because I wanted to pick up some new skills and boost my CV. I ended up finding a dream career I had never even heard of six months ago! I first got involved in volunteering for the …

How to Find the Perfect Online Course

By Amaia Robertson Nogues, American Studies and English Student Despite the fact that having infinite online and professional courses at your fingertips definitely has its perks, it can be easy to get lost amongst the endless websites full of jobs with the same five buzzwords and the flurry of online ‘entrepreneur’ influencers selling masterclasses at …

Languages: Options You May Not Have Known Were Available to You

By Grace Smyth, languages student blogger When you tell people that you are a language student, they always say “so what are your plans for the future? Do you want to teach? So you’re going into translation?” Many people think that these are the only options for language students, but in reality, there are so …

How an LGBTQ+ Curriculum Helped Me Work Towards My Career Goals

By Amaia Robertson Nogues, American Studies and English student blogger Let’s take a trip down memory lane: you’re 18 again, confused about your future, and are drowning in ye olde university English Lit curriculums full to the brim with Shakespeare and Chaucer. Whilst I’m sure there are plenty of people who jump with glee at …

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

By Emily Oxbury, history student blogger  When starting out on the career ladder, it’s easy to get swamped in jargon and job titles, and potentially feel out of your depth. Not to fear, everyone was in your shoes once! Here’s a few things to consider to help you overcome potential imposter syndrome when starting a …

My Placement at Nonsuch Studios

By Alex Paszkowicz, music and music technology student I applied to the competitive Nottingham Advantage Award module, Experience the Culture Sector, which requires students to undertake a 36-hour placement. I was delighted to be assigned to Nonsuch Studios because of their inspiring and positive values. Created in 2013 by a group of graduate artists and …