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My summer of work experience

By Hannah Kane, biblical studies and theology Over the summer, I completed a mix of voluntary work and a paid placement in and outside of the university. I aimed to get as much experience as I could, before entering the all-important final year in September. From June to July I completed the Faculty of Arts, …

Challenging perceptions that a PhD is not real work

By Rebecca Bull, final year PhD student in the School of Sociology and Social Policy studying post-sentence discrimination faced by people with criminal records. When are you going to get a real job? Are you going to be a student for life? Is it nice not having to worry about working? These are all accusations …

Knowledge Transfer Partnership associate spotlight

By Victoria Howard, Browne Jacobson A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) offers you the opportunity to apply your academic knowledge to real world challenges. KTPs are a three-way partnership between an organisation, a university and a graduate or postgraduate (known as a KTP associate). Projects are varied, spanning all academic disciplines and organisations of any size …