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The Home Stretch

The last time I blogged was about a month ago. In case you were wondering where I have been, I am now on the other side of the world; back home in Malaysia. Sweet, sunny, and unfortunately hazy Malaysia. Before returning home I was in Norwich on my Boots Summer Placement as I mentioned in my …

Beating the Revision-Monday Blues

Tired of revision? Yeah me too. This is not my favourite time of year. I mean I love that summer is approaching but what good is it if I am stuck in my room or Hallward all day without being able to enjoy the glorious sunshine? Thank goodness we only have to stick it out …


Well, we had Easter.   This is over: Which I am both happy, and sad about. And this has begun:   Revision. Although I’m not that bad. …Yet. I think being at home without access to my cafetiere is part of it. At the moment it feels quite hard to revise as there seems so …

Writer’s Block

To say that I have had writers block these past few weeks would be an understatement. I’m still alive and kicking if any of you were wondering if I had suddenly disappeared. So I do apologize for my lack of posting. I have been up to quite a bit so let me fill you in! …

The Food Diaries (Part II)

I think I had a little too much fun last week with all the celebrations going on.. It was my friend’s birthday on Monday, then my flatmate’s birthday on Tuesday and then Valentine’s Day on Friday. There was some drinking involved, but the worst BEST part of it was all the food. Mostly dessert. There were …

Superpowers & Chinese New Year

“If you had a superpower, what would it be?” My answer to this question was always either to be able to fly or to be invisible. However the longer I am in university I find myself wanting a different kind of superpower. I want, no sorry NEED an eidetic memory kind of like Mike Ross …

“Learning” – ish.

Wooo Christmas is soon! Yay so excited! Humbug. I don’t know about you, but for me this is a stressful period in term. Beginning to sense home is near, but there’s just so much to do before then! This week has been quite stressful, and it looks like it will continue to be. But I’m a …

The Food Diaries

WARNING: This post may make you hungry. So I’ve been living off my own cooking  for a little over 3 weeks now. I have to say, I am amazed that I got this far. Before I moved into self-catered accommodation the only food I knew how to “cook” was microwaveable. Think pot noodles, Cup a …

Take me to Ikea!

As this was the last weekend my parents were in the UK (they head home today) we had a little family trip to Ikea. Cause what do you do when your parents are around? Any university student knows this.. You let them feed you and buy you stuff! First up was to get some food …

Fourth Year…I can’t believe I just wrote that!

Lecturer: “I mean you’re fourth year now, so really you should always have a scientific journal article on you, to read and highlight in spare moments.” Students: stunned silence So I’ve started fourth year. It’s hard work. Long lectures, dissertation, many courseworks and the nudging pressure of knowing this is the beginning of the end. …