August 6, 2014, by Olivia
The Home Stretch
The last time I blogged was about a month ago. In case you were wondering where I have been, I am now on the other side of the world; back home in Malaysia. Sweet, sunny, and unfortunately hazy Malaysia. Before returning home I was in Norwich on my Boots Summer Placement as I mentioned in my previous blog post.
So let’s rewind to a couple of weeks ago shall we, this is going to be a long post.. The past two weeks have somewhat blended into each other as I so many things were happening. After the placement in Norwich I headed to King’s Lynn to spend some time with a friend and finally get to enjoy the beaches of Norfolk. We didn’t get up to much just a little bit of exploring, eating and playing video games (which I was terrible at). This change of pace was most welcome after 2 weeks of hard work!
After I returned to Nottingham, it was down to business. I had to pack up my single study room in Broadgate Park and move my own things as well as the belongings of my other flatmates to our new house in the span of four days! It was exhausting and the temperature being about 28 degrees outside did not help the situation one bit, especially when we were hauling things down and then up flights of stairs! On top of all of this I had to ensure the suitcase I packed for home didn’t exceed the airline’s limit!
It was all worth it in the end as after 3 coach rides and 2 plane journeys in a span of 20+ hours I made it home intact!
It’s so good to be back home after a year. Meeting up with friends and family has also been fantastic. My favourite bit.. Catching up with everyone over FOOD. I miss the spicy, unique & wonderful food of Malaysia. This is one of the things the UK cannot beat other than the price of our food of course! Where in the UK can you get a full meal at a restaurant for just £2?

Are you drooling yet? Clockwise; coconut ice cream, chilli pan noodles, cotton candy coffee & butterscotch waffles with ice cream! (sorry)
This is all from me now. I hope you are all having at least half the fun I’m having at home.
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