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The Ironing

It sounds like a bad horror movie title and perhaps that is a good way to describe the events that unfolded last Monday. On that hideously cold, I still can’t get over how cold it was, fateful night, the ‘Ironing’ happened. Let me recount to you, in centralised italics what happened. So sit back and carry on reading. …

The C Word

No I don’t mean cancer, I mean the C-Word that university students dread hearing: COURSEWORK As you may have realized I missed a blogging slot last week. Sorry about that, this was due to said coursework. I had to do a workbook on Gastro-Intestinal and Liver Diseases with 11 questions, with each answer being about …

Shower Buddies

Next time when you’re in the shower, just stand still for a few moments. And you’ll probably come to the same conclusion as I did: this is bloody weird. I’m just standing, naked, in a confined space, with water pouring on my head. Having a bath makes sense – you’re covered with water and hopefully …

To me, to you…

Happy Halloween! It was celebrated last night by many Nottingham students donning silly outfits and heading down to Crisis. I went out dressed like this… I appreciate the fact it is not a traditional Halloween costume, but I think you’ll agree it is fairly terrifying! I noticed whilst walking through the sea of people in …

First World Bug

Man, I’m so exhausted. This week has been so busy, there were two parties, cinema trip and meal with friends, gig last Friday, travelled up to Inverness to visit a friend – it’s been action packed! This is not true. This week I have had a bug so have been ladding about in my room, …

A few first times

On the basis of the saying, “If you don’t have anything good (nice) to say, don’t say anything” last week was a blogless week. Instead I aim to bring you a bumper bonanza blog with another saying as the theme “there’s a first time for everything”. It is not the first time I have missed a blog …

How to Watch a Final

I entreat you to indulge this one time and allow me to repeat the theme of bake off. The study of bake-offology has been so significant to me, and my fellow treat-loving students, that I feel it is important to, after putting forwards my theory, present you with the practice. Oh very formally wrote, me …

Distracted from work? So am I!

I am becoming increasingly convinced by a body of academic research (mainly by Professor Trougakos) that suggests that taking regular breaks whilst working is essential to being more productive. Being in third year, the reading, the dissertation and the graduate applications are mounting up and I’m finding that quality stress relieving breaks are crucial to …

Rainbow Living

I don’t know how you’re feeling, but all the rain recently has felt quite a lot like pathetic fallacy for me (NB this is when the weather is used to echo mood for dramatic effect – yay English A Level). I loved placement, but naturally it was hard work, then I had a few weeks …

The Food Diaries

WARNING: This post may make you hungry. So I’ve been living off my own cooking  for a little over 3 weeks now. I have to say, I am amazed that I got this far. Before I moved into self-catered accommodation the only food I knew how to “cook” was microwaveable. Think pot noodles, Cup a …