A laptop showing the Moodle logo.

December 19, 2023, by Laura Nicholson

Moodle 4.1 is here!

The feedback from our staff Moodle roadshows and student drop-ins has been overwhelmingly positive! So, we are pleased to announce that Moodle has now been upgraded to version 4.1.

If you missed our training events, or you want a quick reminder of what to expect, please see an overview of the key improvements below.

Enhanced layout

The redesigned course module page reduces the level of information displayed by default to the most relevant. There are pop out menus to the left and right of the screen but as shown below these can be hidden if desired. This creates an increased focus on the content to reduce distractions and provide a much sleeker interface.

A screenshot of a module showing more white space down either side of the screen

The block drawer

The block drawer which used to be located on the right-hand-side of the screen is now hidden. To view just click the side arrow.

The arrow to the top right of the screen which opens the block drawer

The module index


The left sidebar contains a module index, which lists all sections on the page, including the associated activities and resources.

In the past, students would have to scroll down the page to find the area of interest. Now they can jump to the relevant section by using this index.

Module Index example


Improved navigation

Not only is the new Module page visually appealing, but it is also very user-friendly. There are clear headings across the top of the page to support quick navigation to participants, grades and reports. In the ‘More’ tab you will find links to ‘Test your Text’ and online timetables.


The main menu under the module heading with the tabs: module, settings, participants, grades, reports and the more tab



The ‘EThe new edit button is a toggle switchdit’ button has a new look and, although the new design looks sleek and crisp, there is an even better development regarding the functionality of the edit button.

In this new version of Moodle, the editing button remains in view as you scroll down the page. So, no more scrolling back to the top of the page every time you want to make a quick content change. Additionally, the new edit mode button is a toggle switch, it is easier to check at a glance whether editing is switched on or off.

And, it gets even better!

In the old Moodle, to add a new section, you would need to scroll to the bottom of the page to add and then move it to wherever you wanted it to go. Now, in Moodle 4.1, you can add a new section right where you want it to be on the module page.

New features

The Board Activity

Board is a new activity available in the ‘add activity and resources’ section, and it was well received when we demonstrated it at our roadshows.

A moodle board of a SWOT analysis

For those of you who haven’t come across it yet, Board is a collaborative space where students can post ideas, images, YouTube videos and weblinks. Columns are set up on the board, allowing students to contribute individually or as a group.

One popular feature is that the students’ posts are anonymous to each other, which can be great to encourage participation by those less confident with the topic. However, the lecturer can still identify who posted what and when by exporting the submissions into Excel. We have another blog post all about Moodle board, so please take a look if you want to find out more.


Peer Assessment Tool

Another new feature to be included in this upgrade is the Peer Assessment tool.  This tool allows academics to run peer assessment tasks in their Moodle module. 

Screenshot showing the assessment critera options for students providing feedback to their peers using the Peer Assessment activity.

The Peer Assessment activity is essentially a group assignment submission combined with peer grading, allowing students to assess each other for their contribution to a group project or for their performance in a group task. They can also, if the function is enabled, assess themselves and their own contribution to the project or task.

To find out more about this activity, please see our blog post Moodle 4.1: Introducing the Peer Assessment Activity.


Other useful resources relating to the Moodle 4.1 upgrade 

Moodle 4.1: Introduction for Staff 


Moodle 4.1: Introduction for Students

Further Support

Hopefully, you can see why we are so impressed with Moodle 4.1, and we hope your experiences are equally as positive.

We will also be running student support sessions at all campuses in January 2024. The dates are as follows,

Drop in at any of the locations between 11am and 1pm:

  • C Floor Corridor, Portland Building, University Park: 16th January, 30th January
  • B Floor foyer, Medical School: 15th January, 29th January.
  • Student Hub, Sutton Bonington: 17th January, 31st January
  • Exchange Building foyer, Jubilee Campus:  18th January, 1st February

If you require any help or support, please email us at learning-technologies@nottingham.ac.uk or ask us anything during our daily digital drop-ins

Posted in Learning technologyMoodle