Claire Storr

January 27, 2023, by Helen Whitehead

Five minutes with… Claire Storr

We asked Claire Storr: what is your job role?

Learning Technology Consultant supporting Placements.

What 3 words describe you?

Friendly, helpful and adaptable.

Tell us something ‘unusual’ about yourself

When I studied abroad in Virginia, I attended an Barack Obama rally at the University.

What excites you about learning technology?

Probably the different opportunities available. There are so many different technologies available which can be used for so many different things.

Do you have any top tips for our users?

I would recommend having a look at H5P in Moodle. H5P allows you to build engaging interactive content for students and there is a great range of content types to choose from. You can build interactive images, games, quizzes, image galleries and much more. The best place to get started is by having a look at the H5P Demo page in Moodle where there are guides and examples of all the different content types.

What do you think will be the most important thing in learning technology at the University of  Nottingham this year?

Accessibility. It is something which will be playing a bigger role going forward in learning technology with a lot of exciting developments coming soon.

What have you learned recently?

I have been learning a lot about Mahara and ePortfolios recently. ePortfolios can play an important role in placements so since starting my new role I have been learning about ePortfolios (particularly Mahara) and how they are used within the University.

I am always trying out new things on Microsoft PowerAutomate as it can be such a useful tool to automate tasks as well as save some time.

More in this series

Posted in Five minutes with...Learning technology