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5 Tips for a Winning Junior Digital Marketing CV

By Andrew Fennell, Founder of StandOut CV Every company needs an online presence nowadays. Demand for digital marketing professionals is on the rise and is unlikely to slow down anytime soon. Securing an entry-level or graduate digital marketing role could open up incredible opportunities down the line.   But, with minimal experience, how are you meant to …

How I Put My Postgraduate Experience to Work

By Kirstin Barnard, Employability Education Projects Officer I wanted to write this blog to share my experiences about how completing my postgraduate course not only gave me an extra level of qualification, but also a springboard to a new set of skills and strengths for my career journey. In the beginning Having had a successful …

Coffee and Connections – Food for Thought at a Networking Brunch

By Andrew Wilhelmson, PhD researcher A couple of weeks ago, I took a short break from my desk to head on over to a PhD Networking Brunch being held in The Studio. Asides from a great excuse to take a break from reading the colossal stack of papers sitting next to me. I hoped the …

References – What, Why, Who, When, Where

By Abigail Rowse, Employability Officer As an Employability Officer for the University’s Careers and Employability Service, I get asked regularly about references. If you’ve not been through the references process before, they can seem confusing. This blog aims to simplify them for you using the “five Ws” so you can feel confident when you are next asked to supply …

Facing Psychometric Tests: Before, During and After

By Manuela Cabrera, masters student, studying structural engineering So you’ve passed the application form – yeah! – but then you get sent a link to complete an online test. It can be quite a stressful process; trust me, I’ve been there too. That’s why I’m going to tell you about my experience of managing it. Not every company …

Why I Chose a Graduate Scheme and How I Landed My Place on One

By Alex McQuillan, MEng Mechanical Engineering (2016) During my final year, I decided to apply for graduate schemes because I wanted a definitive progression system and structure including set salary increases, professional development courses and rotations around various departments. I felt that working in different departments would give me a better understanding of a company …

What is a graduate scheme?

By Suzanne McGregor, Careers and Employability Consultant Are you a final year student searching for graduate roles? Are you also beginning to wonder- what on earth is the difference between a graduate job and a graduate scheme? Fear not, Suzanne is here to explain what it actually means to work on, and apply for, a graduate …

The best and worst things to do when filling out a job application

By Laura Estrop, Social Media Officer If you’re searching for jobs this summer, more likely than not you will have been faced with a job application form. For anyone who has completed more than two, you will be aware of how repetitive and time consuming they can be; leading to sloppy and easily avoidable mistakes …

Q and A for Psychometric Tests

By Sarah Durke, Employability and Education Projects Officer If you’re looking for a graduate role this summer or an internship, it’s more than possible that you will come across psychometric tests as part of the recruitment and selection process. Here’s some helpful answers to questions we get asked about these tests. What are psychometric tests? …

A-Z of Online Job Applications: Part 2

Looking to stand out in your online applications? Read our quick tips before settling down at the keyboard to discover the dos, don’ts and definitely don’ts of online applications.  Myths such as ‘you will be selected or rejected by a computer’ surround online applications – don’t believe them. Computers can only be used for screening candidates based on factors such …