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Graduates With Autism Making a Difference in SMEs

By Henry Pynegar, General Manager of Power Vigilance Power Vigilance is a fast-growing Nottingham based business who have offered a range of work experience roles to students in recent years. Here they talk about their experience of hiring two graduates with autism, the adjustments they have made as a business to accommodate individual needs and …

Digital Skills: Let’s Get Digital!

By Katie Watson, second year BA (Hon) History, student blogger Learning some digital skills can really help you land a great job once you leave university. Honestly, it is not as hard as you might think either. Here are 3 things you can do to go from this: via GIPHY To This: via GIPHY 1. Complete …

What to Love About SMEs?

By Kathryn Moss, Employability Officer Love is in the air, so we wanted to share our top 5 reasons to love small to medium-sized businesses! A small to medium-sized business is any business that employs fewer than 250 people and has an annual turnover of less than £50 million. According to a report by FSB …

Placement years: are they worth it? These five students think so 

By Luke Lynch, Employability Education Projects Officer Think integrated placement years are only for engineering and computer science students? Not anymore, thanks to the University’s new ‘optional Placement Year’ scheme.  We caught-up with the first cohort of students as they approached the mid-point of their placements. As well as sharing their workplace experiences, they were keen to pass on advice to anyone thinking of following in …

Getting Experience Within Architecture

By Izzy Rhodes, University of Nottingham alumna and founder of Swain Architecture Beyond university, the world of architecture offers an open plan of opportunities for students to build the foundation of their careers. When it comes to getting professional experience under your belt, the competition can be fierce, so to get ahead of the crowd. You …

How You Can Get Funding for Work Experience Overseas

By Jill Bennett, Placements Projects and Systems Coordinator It will come as no surprise that employers are always looking for what makes a candidate unique. Why should they employ you rather than the next person? What have you done to stand out and show you have the edge on the rest?  It is a very …

International Work Experience: Reflections from Xi’An 

By John Lim Le Sheng, final year, BA Social Work John received funding through last year’s International Work Experience Grant. He travelled to China to work with the non-profit organisation, Agape Love, which provides for abandoned orphans and children with varying disabilities in China. This is his story. “Yang Ma Ma!” John* cries as he peers into …

Expanding My Horizons with an Internship in Beijing

By Kiera Rose, third year, animal sciences Are you interested in undertaking work experience in another country, but worried about cost? The International Work Experience Grant can offer up to £750 to support you. Designed to help students take up work experience opportunities they might not otherwise be able to afford, the grant will support expenses …

My Internship Communicating Culture in Italy

By Megan Spoor, final-year, architecture Are you interested in undertaking work experience in another country, but worried about cost? The International Work Experience Grant can offer up to £750 to support you. Designed to help students take up work experience opportunities they might not otherwise be able to afford, the grant will support expenses such as …

Why You Should Be Thinking About a Placement In Your First Year

By Bethany Ramshaw, second-year studying animal sciences As the snow continues to fall, summer may seem far away. However, that doesn’t mean it’s too soon to think about a placement. Short-term, work experience style placements are ideal for the summer. They keep your mind working over those months away, and help you begin to build …