How to balance a PhD with paid work
July 2, 2024
by Chloe O’Dowd, philosophy postgraduate researcher Image: Image by Andrea from Pixabay In this blog, I talk about the various paid roles I have now, previous roles, and how I managed my time so that I maintain a good PhD and paid work balance. Catering assistant During my PhD, I have partaken in a lot of different paid …
CV crafting chronicles
May 14, 2024
By Chloe O’Dowd, Philosophy PhD student. Creating and perfecting a CV as a postgraduate researcher can be quite difficult, especially when you need multiple versions for different contexts. As a PhD student, I wanted to discuss some ways in which I keep my CV date and appropriate for the different scenarios which I may need …
Gaining employability skills alongside my PhD
April 23, 2024
By Chloe O’Dowd, Philosophy PhD student. During a PhD, you have the opportunity to do various training courses. In this blog, I will be talking about the various training courses that the University of Nottingham offers to PhD students and the positive impact they have on your future. Where do you find them? As a …
A first-timer’s guide to international conferences
February 29, 2024
Nkem Nwaobi, PhD student Embarking on my first conference was a journey filled with excitement, nervousness and countless opportunities for growth. This past summer I attended the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) conference in Italy, it was eye-opening and frankly quite scary. In this blog I will share my guide to your first …
A very warm Careers welcome to our postgraduate researchers
September 26, 2023
By Kirstin Barnard and Lucie Whitfield, Senior Careers Advisers (Postgraduate Researchers) Whether you’re new to the university or progressing with your research, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Alongside our colleagues, we can help you develop your career ideas and plans, take advantage of the development opportunities at the university, and …
My Experience as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate
August 24, 2023
By Leonardo Rodrigues, PhD researcher Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are a UK-wide part grant-funded scheme helping businesses of all sizes to innovate using the knowledge and expertise of qualified graduates, with the capability to lead a strategic business project. My experience as a KTP Associate with XAIS Asset Management Ltd has been transformative. Choosing KTP …
Why a PhD Was Right for Me
August 22, 2023
By Salman Arif, Optimisation Scientist A PhD is the highest level of academic qualification in the UK and it involves three to four years of original research on a specific topic. There are lots of reasons why you may be considering a PhD and you’ll need to carefully consider how it could help you achieve …
From PhD to Higher Education Professional Services
August 3, 2023
By Dr Ruby Hawley-Sibbett, PhD in English Literature (2023) and Graduate Management Trainee at the University of Nottingham Starting my PhD I decided to do a PhD because I was enjoying my MA and wanted to continue to research early nineteenth-century women writers. I had an idea for a project shedding light on Jane Austen’s …
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