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Gemma the Explorer

It’s so strange to think that today is my last ever day in Nottingham (bar coming back for a day next week for a wedding.) Still have packing to do, but nearly there. A bit late after having 3 years to accomplish this, but my housemate and I finally hopped on the bus to make …


It’s a feeling some of you have probably experienced by now, making the long journey home and just flopping onto the sofa because your parents are going to take care of everything.  There are clean bed sheets on your bed, washing up just magically does itself and the best thing? You can run a bath …

Time to Enjoy Things

Hey there readers, Happy Tuesday. So I usually post on Mondays but I’ve have been pretty bad at sticking to schedule recently, yet this week I was going to be organised. We have a week before Uni starts again, so I bashed out a 9-5 day of coursework yesterday because ‘the fear’ has leered its …

Are You Ready?

For Easter? I know I am! It’s been nearly 40 days and 40 nights without chocolate, sweets and crisps. And when Easter Sunday comes in two days time, I will finally get my fix! In preparation, I’ve also ordered a ChokaBlok American Dreamcake Easter egg (or two) from Tesco. My family were laughing at me the …

Sport vs. Food

After a really fun lacrosse tournament on Sunday (no comment about the score), my whole body ached for most of the week. The week’s remedies for my sport “injury”: Watching other people play sport On Monday we watched the Varsity basketball match at the Capital FM Arena. It’s such an amazing experience! I don’t exactly …

A Shiny New Year

Well Christmas has Christmassed, New Year has New Yeared and now it’s 2013: Year of the Elephant (because elephants have long memories and I really need a good memory right now!). To be honest so far I feel like it’s been the Year of the Sloth but maybe organising early (ish) morning revision was optimistic …

Its the little things this Christmas

Final week is here! Can you believe it? I feel like it was freshers, I blinked, and now we’re here. Deadlines are done or nearly so and now we’re realising how much revision we have to do over the holidays for January exams. When will it end? I find that at this time of year …

A Lot of Cheese

      This week I have lived off cheese. I have always said anything can be made to taste better if you just grate a bit of cheese on the top…well, maybe not everything but it really doesn’t have the same ring to it if you say all savoury things (apart from if there’s …

7 Days

Om nom nom When it’s really cold I eat a lot more than I need to. In the past 6 days, I’ve had waffles with golden syrup pretty much every morning (and some evenings), about 7 pork sausages, Chinese take-out twice, and a lot of crisps/sweets. I don’t know what it is about the cold …

Feeling good

Hello everyone! This is my final week in Clinical Phase 1 (hospital attachment) and I’m just so nervous about the exam next week. I’m sure that most of my colleagues are as well. Exams; truly one of the things that would make a typical student feel a little bit anxious. Anyway, on Friday last week, …