October 16, 2013
Memory Turn your face to the coursework Let your memory lead you Open brain, engage thought If you find there the meaning of what nutrition is Then a new piece of work will begin Memory, all alone in the library I can smile at facebook Candy Crush is beautiful there I remember the time …
Students just wanna have fun!
October 9, 2013
Now I know humour is subjective…for example apparently this is funny: I think it’s just….wrong. I think the next advert will be in some kind of mental health setting: “Josh always eats Flora before his therapy sessions – as he needs energy to reach his emotional depths.” However I was alerted to this ‘delightful’ and …
Fourth Year…I can’t believe I just wrote that!
October 2, 2013
Lecturer: “I mean you’re fourth year now, so really you should always have a scientific journal article on you, to read and highlight in spare moments.” Students: stunned silence So I’ve started fourth year. It’s hard work. Long lectures, dissertation, many courseworks and the nudging pressure of knowing this is the beginning of the end. …
September 25, 2013
I’m back – like the placement terminator. I’m home – like E.T. And I’m full of energy…like Eeyore Actually I’m quite tired, so I’m enjoying these two weeks at home to rest and catch up with family and friends and get lots of little jobs done – it’s gotten quite busy though. On a …
Everything BUT Revision
May 3, 2013
Hi there. I finally finished my project, and got it professionally printed and bound at the SU Print Shop. Hurray! It felt really strange handing it in because it meant it was officially over… No more proofing, re-arranging tables or finding other ways to say “Therefore” and “However”. At least now I can concentrate on revising for exams… …
Seeing the Light – Somewhat Bittersweet?
April 19, 2012
I’m reaching that beautiful stage that you get to in an assignment where you’ve got a draft done, the edits are coming together, and while you’ve get a while to go yet, it’s beginning to take form, the jigsaw pieces are fitting together and the picture’s completion is in sight…yes, my dissertation is in its …
torn asunder
April 1, 2012
Have you ever trust someone and later finding out that the person is the one who’s responsible for bringing you down? The result for our Honours Year Project was released on Thursday last week. I was ready to see my mark within the range of the majority but I was surprised to see that it …
Dissertation Drudgery
March 29, 2012
So term is winding down and it’s nearly time for a much needed break…except that in reality this Easter holiday (which I return home for tomorrow) will continue the mundane routine of dissertation, dissertation, dissertation. To liven things up a bit, I might just throw in a couple of days worth of Revision to really …
Leap Years and Love.
February 16, 2012
February suddenly seems to be stretching out to be the longest month ever, ironic really when it normally goes so fast; I’m blaming the fact that’s it’s a leap year. This week has been crammed full of deadlines, drinks and dramatic days. February 14th – that day; dreaded by singles, males and cynics across the …
The end of exams and the start of semester two
February 5, 2012
Hi everyone, The first week back at lectures has been quite hard work! I think my second exam, on Saturday 21st, went pretty well; my last exam on Monday 23rd I wasn’t quite so happy with, but I think I did the best that I could have done and by that point I was just …