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Das Bent

The blonde woman and the angry man look at me as one would a Tesco Value pork pie, one part anticipation to three parts certain disappointment. I am in the New Theatre auditioning for a play. It’s called BENT and it’s about a gay couple during the holocaust. ‘You are a gay couple,’ says the …

That’s not my name

I’ve never been very good at those awkward icebreaker activities tutors get you to do at the start of term. I usually forget that I have interests, panic and either say something like “I like tea” (true, but doesn’t everyone?) or make something ridiculous up (I once told a class that my middle name was …

Forgetting how to Write (and Other Second Year Problems)

My ability to introduce myself is terrible. I get all shy and end up squeaking instead of speaking. Squeak! I’m always the one who says the most boring thing when told to say an interesting fact to introduce myself with. Case in point: a few weeks ago, I was involved in an introductory activity and …

Hellos and Halloween

Hi everyone! I’m Tilly, a third year Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience student. As we’ve just had Halloween, here’s a picture of me looking surprised yet serious in a witch’s hat… I never went trick or treating as a kid, so I’ve quite enjoyed dressing up in silly costumes the last few years at uni. I …


I was struggling a bit with how to start my career as a Student Life blogger this week, but I guess we should start with some introductions! The Basics: My name is Laurie, I’m from Brighton, and I’m a 20 year old, third year Politics student here in Nottingham. I was in Broadgate Park halls …

It’s Good to Be Back

  Goodbye rainforest paradise, hello Nottingham! (not that Nottingham isn’t nice) I am back after a lovely 6-week summer in Malaysia. Scorching weather without book in sight, non-stop flow of conversation and good company pretty much sums up my trip home. The heat was what prompted my family to go up into the highlands where it was …

The Home Stretch

The last time I blogged was about a month ago. In case you were wondering where I have been, I am now on the other side of the world; back home in Malaysia. Sweet, sunny, and unfortunately hazy Malaysia. Before returning home I was in Norwich on my Boots Summer Placement as I mentioned in my …

A new beginning

This is it. My final post. It has been two full years since I started blogging and so much has happened in that time – good and bad. But I made it (Praise God!) and now have photos like this:     Graduation Graduation was definitely an experience. We stayed in the Uni hotel (ooh …

Golfer’s Block

There’s no denying. I have the inescapable ‘Writer’s block’. After 2 years for the first time, I’ve spent the best part of two weeks, stroking my stubble and tapping on my chin to no avail. I’ve been trying to write a piece to congratulate the many graduates from Nottingham this year, amongst whom are some …

All Grown Up? Not quite..

I am currently in Norwich. No it’s not what you may think, this isn’t a trip to enjoy the seaside and some fish and chips. Though would you blame me if I slipped some of that in during my down time? Anyway, back to my point, this is largely a business trip. Well.. Kinda. I say …