November 6, 2014, by Gemma Coleman
That’s not my name
I’ve never been very good at those awkward icebreaker activities tutors get you to do at the start of term. I usually forget that I have interests, panic and either say something like “I like tea” (true, but doesn’t everyone?) or make something ridiculous up (I once told a class that my middle name was Ferrero Rocher- I still have no idea what possessed me to do this).
Tea= Happiness
I’m actually called Gemma (not a middle name in sight) and I am in second year studying International Relations. I thought I would introduce myself with a few things you should know about me before we decide to take this any further, second date and all…
- I set on fire ALL THE TIME. Well, three times actually, but I think that’s a bit excessive- greedy even- in just 19 years. Highlights include setting my handbag on fire in a restaurant and leaning back on a candle in church (furry hood ablaze, wouldn’t recommend).
- I failed my driving test twice. Drove on the wrong side of the road. The examiner loved that.
- I only tried corn on the cob for the first time in June at our Halls’ BBQ. I haven’t intentionally avoided them, just never got round to trying them I suppose.
- I love pub quizzes. The highlight of first year was when the pub landlord asked me if I wanted ‘the usual’. Let’s just gloss over the fact that he thinks my name is Jess. It’s been going on for too long now to correct him, so if you see me in Beeston on a Wednesday night, I’m Jess or Jessie if you’re feeling friendly.
The week the Flat 20 Massive won!
- I’m having an identity crisis. The issue: I lived in Essex until I was eight but have lived in Preston, Lancashire since then. Team North don’t accept me and neither do Team South. The solution: Nottingham. Neither North nor South. Meant to be.
Nottingham: Neither here nor there
Well that’s me in a nutshell. I’ll be writing about my experience as a student in Nottingham over the next few months- see you this time next week then?
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