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My Week with Marilyn, Woo Woos and Househunting in Edinburgh

  Good news, I’m half way through my literature review! Bad news, I have an assessed presentation today in Globalization and Innovation in China… Since my last blog post I’ve been working like a dog. The target everyday has been to arrive at Hallward Library by no later than 9:30am. For the past week or …

1 down, 1 to go

Hey there! I’ve had my first essay exam of the year 2 days ago…and now, just one more left and then, I’ll be free! Alhamdulillah, I am very delighted that I managed to answer the essay questions quite alright on Friday. At least, I felt confident during the exam. I just hope that I can …

The show must go on

Dear Blogees, December has arrived! As the weeks draw closer and closer to Christmas, I am getting more and more tired. I am having an absolute blast, and of course am working hard, but I will definitely be welcoming the holidays with open arms, if only for the guilt-free lie ins! Though that said, it …

Results and Rainforest Tours

So this week began with the grades for my courses this semester at UQ being released; I gained two grades 7’s (the equivalent of a 1st and UoN) and a grade 6 (the equivalent of a 2.1). These grades top off what has been an incredibly enlightening semester abroad – not only has it expanded …

Lights, cameras… breakdancing Santas?

As you may know the Christmas lights officially came on in Nottingham city centre last week. So I got into the festive spirit by going along to: Get crushed by prams from every direction Eat way too much snowcake from the Christmas amusements Have a breakdancing Santa come up and dance around me (which I …

It’s almost the end of the term & I have 2 more exams to go

I think the title of the post is self-explanatory, don’t you think? Well yeah, I have an exam this Friday and it’s in essay format! It’s a bit daunting really as I don’t usually perform well when it comes to essay. In addition to that, I am not done with my revision and I still …

Yet more coursework, some psychology, a shameless plug, and a little bit of Christmas (too soon?!)

Hiya everyone, It’s been another long week. I had another piece of coursework due in this week, for the module that I find the most difficult – Invention and Tradition. We will have to see how that goes! We’re required to hand all our coursework in to the School of English office by 3.30pm on …

Learning about learning

While assessments begin to pile up back home at UoN, and the cold of winter days begins to really take its bite, I have been enjoying the increasingly humid weather of a Brisbane Summer, and finishing what has been a spectacular semester here at UQ. Term and exams ended on Saturday, and move out from …

From Hallward to Nandos: Dissertation Nightmares to Chicken Goodness

      Hooray!! My dissertation proposal has been approved!! Words cannot describe the mammoth weight that lifted off my shoulders last Wednesday! In the Economics with Chinese stream, the dissertation is 6000-8000 words in an area related to China. By Wednesday I needed to have chosen my research topic, my dissertation title, my research …

just another great week in my life

Hi readers! Yeah, I survived my first exam of the year! The module (subject) is called REM, Research Methods. I think it went quite alright although I’m not that confident that I will score high. Anyway, speaking of examinations, I once remembered submitting a quotation to my previous college, KMB (Kolej MARA Banting or MARA …