Yet more coursework, some psychology, a shameless plug, and a little bit of Christmas (too soon?!)
Hiya everyone,
It’s been another long week. I had another piece of coursework due in this week, for the module that I find the most difficult – Invention and Tradition. We will have to see how that goes! We’re required to hand all our coursework in to the School of English office by 3.30pm on whichever day it’s due – a couple of my friends left it until right at the last minute, handing their work in well past 3pm, and I have never seen them so stressed! I’m not saying I’ve never left coursework to the last minute, but it is definitely not worth it!
This morning I got to campus bright and early for 9am to take part in a psychology experiment. I did a few experiments last year too – they’re run by students usually in their last year of undergraduate study or doing postgraduate research. It is a good idea to get involved with these if you can possibly spare the time – you never know, when you get to that stage in your own degree, you might be relying on the help of other students too. This experiment was to try and discover if a person’s personality fits with what degree they’re doing. Once he’s compiled the results the researcher will email me to tell me whether or not it’s logical that I am studying English – I’ll let you know how I do!
I had to go into the city centre this afternoon to buy some shoes for the show I’m in on Monday. It’s being put on by the society ‘Musicality’ (for musical theatre lovers) and is called ‘Spotlights’. If you’re in the area, come to The Den on University Park for a great evening of entertainment – doors at 7.30 for an 8pm start!
Anyway, while I was in town I got my first look at the Christmas lights around Nottingham.
They’re not great quality as they were taken spontaneously on my phone, but you get the idea!
Have a good week 🙂 Georgina
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