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Confessions of a Uni Student

1.57 pm, Friday 21st December 2012, and we have survived the apparent end of the world. Today the Maya calendar ends and a new baktum (cycle of 140,000 days) begins. Around the world, some people have reacted to the end of the world prediction in various ways. For example, some attended doomsday parties, some stockpiled …


I’ve clicked my Ruby slippers, followed the scent –it’s my home Ratty!, told everybody I’m on my way (who gets all three references?) and I am home for Christmas. T minus 6 days and counting.   Home is lovely and altogether too distracting for revision. I find the Christmas holidays so much harder to work …

Dear Diary,

Seeing as I wrote my first blog from home, it seems rather appropriate to be writing this blog about the last week of term from the very same place. Everything has gone full circle. So it has been a pretty hectic week and with essays handed in, I have been inspired to add some structure …

Viral Videos

There has been a lot of talk about the norovirus in the media recently, also known as the ‘winter vomiting bug’. It’s all a bit depressing really. Nevertheless, ‘virus’ is the inspiration behind this blog, but the “good” kind…VIRAL VIDEOS! Within each year of University, a new viral video seems to appear out of nowhere. …

So this is…Fakemas

In case you didn’t know – Fakemas is Christmas you celebrate with your Uni friends before breaking up for Christmas holidays. Deadlines are almost over, my boots are skidding on frozen leaves, cactus santas are in the shops (no seriously, I’m not joking, see below) so what does this mean? It’s almost holiday time! This …

Much love for the people of Nottingham over here

This week I nearly ended up having ‘bitten by a squirrel’ added to my medical file but (thankfully) due to my wimpishness and jumping half a mile when a squirrel ran up my leg, I don’t.  Two of my friends do; think the squirrels of University Park are getting far too bold for their boots.  However, got …

Its the little things this Christmas

Final week is here! Can you believe it? I feel like it was freshers, I blinked, and now we’re here. Deadlines are done or nearly so and now we’re realising how much revision we have to do over the holidays for January exams. When will it end? I find that at this time of year …

A Lot of Cheese

      This week I have lived off cheese. I have always said anything can be made to taste better if you just grate a bit of cheese on the top…well, maybe not everything but it really doesn’t have the same ring to it if you say all savoury things (apart from if there’s …

The End is Nigh

End of term is fast approaching. For me, this means sleeping in the afternoon as lecturers end their modules. For example, yesterday was “Lazy Thursday”, a bit like ‘Lazy Sunday’ by my favourite band The Lonely Island… …But without the cupcakes and calling Chris Parnell “just to see how he’s doing” bits, and instead of …

The Secrets of Christmas

Christmas is coming, the snow is falling in different places in the UK, late-night shopping is well and truly underway. Mince pies are being consumed, certainly too much in my case! But for many people in halls that Christmassy feeling is yet to arrive. For many of us we associate Christmas with being around our …