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UoN Bucket List

It is the 28th January, exams are over, and the well-intended New Year’s resolution gym-goers have crawled back into their couch potato positions. Hopefully, if you’re reading this and I’ve just described you, this blog post may inspire you to get back up and try something BRAND. SPANKING. NEW. during this refreshers’ week. It may …

Sorry isn’t the hardest word…

Sorry seems to be the hardest word, or is it? I think there is another word that is harder than sorry and that is ‘Goodbye’. Both words ‘Sorry’ and ‘Goodbye’ are words that are probably said every day but rarely are they meant to their full extent. So what is Goodbye? Goodbye is… Exclamation Used …

Retail Therapy

After writing the title of this blog, I suffered from a spontaneous case of ‘Oh-my-God-I-am-in-third-year-what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life?!’ and so immediately asked Google to help me solve this problem by searching for internships or Masters degrees.   However, earlier this week my only decision was whether to buy a blazer or some sparkly jeans or both. Even then …

Officially Finished

The sheer joy I am feeling right now is unbelievable. Why? Exams are finished!! It’s a bit surreal; there’s still a little voice in my head telling me to revise, but it should soon subside. This is me happily ripping up some notes and throwing them in the air:             …

A Picture of Freedom

So my exams are finished (sorry to those still fighting on – stay strong) and initially I felt like this: Then I slept   And started to catch up on TV and my books I got for Christmas. Some of the TV programs I don’t even know why I watched them – Young, Mormon and …

Finding God (again)

This is my second attempt at writing a blog post this evening; I’d nearly finished the first when I realised I was skirting around what I really wanted to say. – – – God is often a delicate issue.  Some people believe, some don’t and some sit on the fence which I would imagine to …

Want to Watch a Film?

It’s still exam season. It’s still essay writing, presentation planning time. So when someone asks that procrastination fuelled question: ‘Hey, do you want to watch a film?’ the answer should always be ‘NO!’ The extended answer should always be ‘No thanks, I have to do some work.’ So when someone asks you this question 5 …


Isn’t it ironic … that you probably found your way to this blog post as one of your many methods of skilled procrastination; the exact topic I’m going to have a chat about. And the main culprit on trial: social media. We are currently half way though the exam period. I hope yours have gone/are …

I dreamed a dream…

There was a time exams were kind When answers were clear And MCQ’s inviting There was a time when examiners were blind And life was a song And grades were exciting There was a time (KS2) Then it all went wrong   I dreamed a dream in time gone by When free time was high …

Retaining the will to live

It’s a feeling I’m sure you’re becoming all too familiar with this week, the will to live slowly seeping through your fingers with every page of text you read, every sentence you write.  Take heed guys, there is an end! Apparently. If you find it let me know. Not going to lie, this week hasn’t …