January 22, 2013, by Beca
Finding God (again)
This is my second attempt at writing a blog post this evening; I’d nearly finished the first when I realised I was skirting around what I really wanted to say.
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God is often a delicate issue. Some people believe, some don’t and some sit on the fence which I would imagine to be rather painful, walls are usually much comfier. I was, like many people, brought up to believe. I went to Church every Sunday with my family. My faith was completely shattered when one of my closest friends died. In first year I went to the service at the Great Hall every so often, usually when I was having a rough time, sometimes I’d join the guys running text-a-toastie but in my heart I’d joined the people on the fence and none of it felt quite right.
Last term one of my friends started going along to Grace Church in the city and I caught the odd tweet on my twitter feed that showed just how much of an effect it was having on her. I missed being so sure, I missed being so close to God. I asked her if I could go along with her and the first night was, well, beautiful. It was amazing to sing with everyone else and to listen to other people’s prayers, the speaker was well and trully on the ball relating the passage he’d chosen to everyday life. I cried about my friend, about everything that had happened since, about how long it’s taken me to take this step but I left so so happy. I felt like I’d found my home, I have found my home.

Christmas with friends

Carols by Candlelight
Uni is a time to discover more about yourself away from your parent telling you what you should be like and what you should believe. Don’t let what you think other people will think affect what you do whether its finding yourself a church or joining a political society. Go for it !
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PS. Thankyou to the amazing person who found my student card and left it on a sign last night, it was safely been returned to my person and saved me a tenner x
This is really beautiful and inspirational!! I’m so happy you’re coming to Grace church and this really describes how I felt when I first found God again this year as well 😀
Really looking forward to joining in with the student events too !!
Praise God!
I’m happy for you. His desire has always been for you to realise this. Please be encouraged to participate in the student’s societies like the CU or GCF (postgrads) here in Nottingham.