December 18, 2023, by Laura Nicholson

Students: How to Upload Turnitin and Moodle Assignments

Uploading Assignments

Despite the upgrade to Moodle 4.1, the process for submitting a Moodle or Turnitin assignment remains unchanged. There are some slight changes to the iconography, so we have created this guidance just to ensure you are familiar with the submission process.

Moodle Assignments

The icon for Moodle assignments has changed from

Moodle assignment icon





new logo: a rectangle with an upwards arrow





To Submit a Moodle Assignment

1. In your module, navigate to the Moodle drop-box and click on the assessment title.

The Moodle drop box icon






2. Select ‘Add submission’.

The submission status screen showing number of attempts, grading status and time remaining










3. Drag and drop your file into the ‘File submissions’ window, or you can select ‘Files’ and then choose the file you wish to upload.

The add submission window allowing students to drag and drop assignments into a box or click to upload











Moodle Assignment Demo

For a demonstration of the submission process, please watch the short video below.

Coursework submissions with Moodle Assignment



Turnitin Assignments

The icon for Turnitin assignments remains the same

The Turnitin icon





To Submit a Turnitin Assignment

1. In your module, navigate to the Turnitin drop-box and click on the assessment title.

The Turnitin in drop box icon





2. Select ‘Submit Paper’.

Submission inbox with the option to submit a paper



3. Complete the ‘Submission Title’. You can then Drag and drop your file into the ‘File submissions’ window, or you can select ‘Files’ and choose the file you wish to upload.

The submit paper screen where students add a title and either drag and drop their file into a box or click 'files' to upload.



Turnitin Assignment Demo

For a demonstration of the submission process, please watch the short video below.

Coursework submissions with TurnitinĀ  Assignment


We hope you have found this guidance useful, if you have any further queries, please contactĀ 

Posted in Advent CalendarAssessmentMoodleTurnitin