Phishing emails target new students

New students are an easy target for phishing email scams. The BBC recently reported on a phishing scam that specifically targets new University students. The scam email looks like it is from a University’s finance department and prompts students to fill in a form online with their personal banking details in order to claim a grant. …

Student IT tutors in University Halls

Starting from Thursday 22nd September, trained Student IT support tutors (SITS) will have a presence in University halls of residence. You can ask any SITS tutor for help with getting online in halls, registration or any other IT query. SITS tutors will be available at the following dates and times in halls: SITS locations, 22 …

New look for UoN email log in page

On Wednesday 14 September when staff and students log into their University email via they will be directed to a new login page. The redesign, which features an image of the Trent Building on University Park, is  part our upgrade to Office 365 email services. You will still be able to log into your account with …