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Development of a computational platform to support the use of Genome Wide Association Studies

Post by Dr. Philip Quinlan, Advanced Data Analysis Centre (ADAC) The Advanced Data Analysis Centre (ADAC) provides world-leading data analysis expertise, and can assist in developing analytical processes and pipelines. We are currently working in conjunction with the ‘Crops for the Future’ Research Centre at the University of Nottingham’s Malaysia Campus to develop a computational platform to …

Digital Engagement (8): Toolkits for Assessment

For members of the public, the main outcome of academic research is not usually the data, but the insight, analysis and commentary that an academic provides. This means that even if the data were made available to a wider audience in an interactive way (as per the previous blog post), it relies heavily on the …

Digital Engagement (7): Toolkits for Data Analysis

One key thing that researchers across different disciplines have in common is research data. This can take many different forms, is often stored and structured in databases or spreadsheets, which helps researchers to manipulate, visualize and analyse the data in useful ways. Other researchers might be able to make use of the data for their research, …

Transcription Services: A First Step Toward Safe Use

Researchers who carry out interviews or focus groups will typically digitally record the audio  for later reference and analysis. This data will then get transcribed by the researchers or via a transcription service for a set fee. When using a service, researchers will transmit the audio files to the provider, who then carries out the transcription and …

Research Data and Software Agreements: Digital Research Case Study 14 2017

The Digital Research Team are here to help researchers make best use of digital technology for their work. An intriguing side-effect of this is the increasing need to effectively govern and manage the risk around the use of digital technologies creating new demands on researchers within the digital context. For example, a researcher who creates …