// Archives

Supporting the PGR community in working remotely

Following a recent town hall meeting for PGRs, there was clear feedback from the community around difficulties in accessing software and data remotely. Working with a number of postgraduate researchers, our Digital Research Specialists have helped explore a variety of technical options and found solutions that are available to the entire community. Depending on the …

A call for new Digital Initiatives

This post introduces our Digital Initiatives from 2019-20 and invites you to apply to work with us on Digital Initiatives in the coming year. “Digital Initiatives” have been part of the way Digital Research engages with the research community for the last four years. Since the start of 2016, Digital Research has helped fund almost …

Automated Transcription Service – from idea to launch

This post reveals more about the Automated Transcription Service and discusses a rapid-response “early access” trial for researchers impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. Do you record people’s speech as part of your research? Do you transcribe this for analysis or pass on the audio for others to transcribe? Our researchers will soon be able to use …