Faculty of Arts Digital Day: A Showcase of Digital Teaching and Learning and Digital Research Projects
December 8, 2017
Staff from across the faculty gathered in Highfield House on 11th October for the Arts Digital Day, an afternoon where staff shared developments in digital teaching and learning and digital research. The event was introduced by Faculty PVC Professor Jeremy Gregory. Faculty APVC Mark Bradley gave an update on Education and Student Experience, during which …
Arts Impact: Storytelling Objects – Prototype and Design
November 17, 2017
In the summer, our research team started the Storytelling with Objects project and began a design session to create a set of storytelling artefacts. Our team held a design workshop on 6th June 2017 at the Mixed Reality Lab in the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham. Together with transmedia practitioners, we explored several …
Digitally Preserving the Hennessy Collection
August 4, 2017
The Centre for Research on Cuba is home to the Hennessy Collection, which is a unique archive of Cuban periodicals from the 1960s through to the 1990s. Originally donated to the Forum for the Study of Cuba by Professor Alistair Hennessy in 1994, the archive currently holds over 70 different journals and newspapers, including extensive runs of …
Digital Innovation in Arts Impact
April 13, 2017
As Digital Research Manager, and previously as Digital Humanities Manager, I’ve been working with a number of digital Arts projects over the last few years. A lot of that work has been about helping researchers to use digital tools to enhance the process of doing research. For this case study, I plan to investigate a …
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