Automated anonymisation of texts and transcripts
November 22, 2021
In this blog, we discuss an automated process for anonymising interview transcripts, patient notes, or other free-text data containing personal information. Colleagues wishing to share participant notes or interview transcripts, for example as publication appendices or in a research data repository, will likely need to anonymise the data. Anonymisation also comes with a number of …
Conducting research interviews securely online
February 25, 2021
Interviewing online has several advantages. These include the ability to conduct interviews from anywhere, easily link to automated transcription, and take advantage of document sharing. In this blog, we offer guidance for ensuring compliance with ethical and research-data-management obligations when interviewing online. Microsoft Teams – simple and secure Staff and students at the University have …
Launch of the University of Nottingham Automated Transcription Service
December 2, 2020
Are you a University of Nottingham researcher who records speech as part of your research? Do you transcribe this yourself or pass on the audio for others to transcribe? Digital Research and Information Services are pleased to announce the launch of the University of Nottingham Automated Transcription Service, a new capability built with funding from …
Automated Transcription Service – from idea to launch
July 6, 2020
This post reveals more about the Automated Transcription Service and discusses a rapid-response “early access” trial for researchers impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. Do you record people’s speech as part of your research? Do you transcribe this for analysis or pass on the audio for others to transcribe? Our researchers will soon be able to use …
Investigating Automated Transcription and Translation
August 7, 2017
The Digital Research Team are working with researchers in the School of Education to explore the potential of automated transcription and translation services. Currently researchers either make use of third-party transcription services or simply transcribe the data themselves. In terms of services, the costs for transcription can be quite high (~£60/hour) which means researchers cannot afford …
Transcription Services: A First Step Toward Safe Use
May 2, 2017
Researchers who carry out interviews or focus groups will typically digitally record the audio for later reference and analysis. This data will then get transcribed by the researchers or via a transcription service for a set fee. When using a service, researchers will transmit the audio files to the provider, who then carries out the transcription and …
Introducing Handwriting Technologies
March 30, 2017
The Digital Research Team are currently running an initiative to explore the digitisation of paper-based research data. Having done some ethnographic work myself, I am all too aware of the amount of paper based research data that can be generated, with many full physical note books in a matter of days. We all know the …
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