COVID-19: Digital Research support for researchers
June 12, 2020
As this extended period of home working continues, our research community faces ever more challenges in maintaining research and is increasingly looking towards digital technology for support. *** Whether it’s to maintain our strong ethos of collaboration both internally and externally, collect and store data, analyse findings, or conserve and preserve outputs, researchers are having …
Plague in the UK!
September 25, 2019
Researchers at the University of Nottingham thought that they had discovered an occurrences of the bacteria that causes plague in a rats from Liverpool and Vancouver. They were using a widely used microarray based platform specifically designed to identify zoonotic pathogens. By supplementing their analysis with metagenomics sequencing we were able to interrogate the validity …
Increasing lean muscle mass in pigs
Researchers at the University of Nottingham in conjunction with scientist at Zoetis were comparing the effect of growth hormones and beta agonists on pig growth. By integrating time series RNAseq, microarray and metabolomic datasets using machine learning we were able to identify some the key gene networks and enriched molecular pathways that could in part …
Why won’t that tomato ripen?
Researchers at the University of Nottingham in conjunction with scientist at Syngenta recently crossed the commercial tomato variety S. lypocosum with the wild cultivar S.pennellii. One of the intergression lines that was generated (with a block of S.pennellii DNA transposed into the coding region of chromosome 2) had an interesting fruit ripening phenotype and merited …
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