COVID-19: Digital Research support for researchers
June 12, 2020
As this extended period of home working continues, our research community faces ever more challenges in maintaining research and is increasingly looking towards digital technology for support. *** Whether it’s to maintain our strong ethos of collaboration both internally and externally, collect and store data, analyse findings, or conserve and preserve outputs, researchers are having …
Health Data Research UK
September 25, 2019
Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) is the national Institute for data science in healthcare. By harnessing health and biomedical data in the UK, HDR UK will develop and apply cutting edge data science approaches to address the most pressing health research challenges facing the public. HDR UK is a joint investment led by the …
Supporting European Biobanks
The UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre acts as the UK’s national node for the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) which aims to establish, operate and develop a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of biobanks and biomolecular resources to facilitate the access to resources as well as facilities and …
UK Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre
Improving access to biobank data Human tissue samples are collected across the UK, yet the ability for researchers to undertake the necessary research into human conditions is still hampered by the inability to find suitable samples. The UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre was set up to support the work of …
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