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Accelerating the University’s research ambitions with a more powerful HPC service

The University’s High Performance Computing (HPC) service is a research facility available to academic staff and research students, from any School or Faculty, who have the need for computing resource substantially greater than a standard PC. Enabling research that changes the world As one of the UK’s leading research universities, UoN is renowned for the …

Using Julia on the HPC

In this blog, we explore the speed and efficiency of using the programming language Julia on the University’s high-performance computer. This blog has been guest-authored by Jamie Mair, a PhD researcher in the School of Physics and Astronomy. The repository for the code given below, which was presented at this year’s annual UoN HPC conference, …

Train a Custom Computer Vision Model using Detectron2

Training a custom computer vision model to work on your research dataset may be daunting due to the imagined complexities and effort involved. However, some very powerful open-source frameworks, such as Detectron2, have recently been made available to simplify the process. Detectron2 is an open-source framework that implements state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms. Detectron2 comes with …

High Performance Computing via a Windows interface

In this post, we look at how the University has been testing a Windows interface to its High Performance Computer As data sets become larger and more complex, there is a greater need for more computing power. The University’s High Performance Computer (HPC) allows researchers to distribute their processing, simulations, and computation across hundreds of …