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How Not to Be the Perfect Intern

By Anna White, Placement Projects Officer A couple of years after I graduated, I was looking to change direction so took a short-term internship with an IT start-up. I was 23, newly back from having a baby and trying to escape a job I hated. I felt the stakes were sky high, so I put …

My Experience at Bain & Company: True North Scholarship for Black Heritage Students

By Ella Onyems, final year economics student and winner of the 2021 True North Scholarship What is the Scholarship? Bain and Company, a leading global management consultancy, offers the chance for talented students from typically underrepresented backgrounds to gain experience from leading employees at Bain alongside the chance to win a £10,000 prize. The programme …

“I Want to Gain Experience”

By Alex Owusu, Employability Officer Gaining work experience can be a vital tool in helping you develop transferrable skills, gain exposure to an industry or role and secure future job opportunities. Before starting your search, it’s important to consider a few different questions to aid your decision making. Why do I want to gain experience? …

International Work Experience Grant – Junelle’s Story

By Junelle Ayettey, philosophy student My placement Environment360 is a non-profit organisation that helps communities create inclusive integrated waste systems that help residents harness the full value of their waste stream. The organisation created the first successful plastic recycling scheme in Ghana for communities and has since gone on to collect more than 200 tonnes …

Career Thinking for Science Graduates

By Sally Hall, Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant With a science degree, you can use your technical and transferable skills across many sectors, roles, and sizes of organisation.  In this blog post, we’re drawing your attention to options with smaller companies and careers that make a difference. Plus, how to develop insights, make connections, and …

My Journey to Securing an Optional Placement Year

By Daria Paterek, English student Despite being an English undergraduate, I discovered my love for marketing during my first year, when I managed a university society’s social media channels. This experience led me to gain work experience in marketing, which solidified that I wanted to pursue it as a career. After browsing work experience opportunities …

Taking Part in Work Experience in the UK

By Yun-San, English Language and Literature international student What were your original career ideas when joining the university? When I started at the University of Nottingham I planned to further my studies and become an academic, but I have now decided to be more flexible with my career plan. I’d still like to complete a …

Summer Work Experience as a Graphic Designer

By Gabriela Florescu, architecture and built environment student blogger Last summer I was offered the opportunity to work as a graphic designer for a small local company in my home town. It was a useful experience not just for my future career, but it also helped develop skills that would help me during my studies. …

My Placement as a Website Content Creator

By Saffron Dusanjh, School of Economics The faculty’s one day a week placement programme stood out to me as an excellent opportunity to gain skills in organising my time and balancing responsibilities alongside my studies. In addition, I thought it would be a useful chance to become more comfortable with interview processes. The application I …

Career Exploration: What Is It and Why Should I Start Now?

By Anna Scrivener, Employability Education Projects Officer  We see students to help with a range of career questions, but often the real problem is that they need to spend time on their career exploration. Before you can find suitable opportunities, or put together a great application, you have to know the answer to a few questions: …